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Comment Re:wealthy funders can't be eliminated that way (Score 1) 148

who said anything about revoking the First Amendment?

A large group of Democrats in the United States Senate are currently working on repealing the First Amendment and replacing it with something weaker and less explicit.

It has long been thought that the political right is the major force behind censorship, a notion reinforced by the attempts, some successful, to prohibit anti-religious and grossly sexual material. Prohibition of political communication is increasingly the realm of the political left, and it is far more dangerous.

Comment Re:Fundamental reform? (Score 1) 148

Consider freedom of the press, since it is more obvious and physical that freedom of speech. Freedom of the press means that the government may not interfere with printing and distributing books, pamphlets, posters, newspapers, bumper stickers, etc.. Government must not destroy printing presses, prevent printed material from being transported, regulate presses or printing businesses in a manner different from other businesses, threaten the owner of the press or his employees, or prevent him from receiving or spending money for the production of printed material, or regulate such monetary movement. Printing is not free, and the dissemination of ideas in print cannot be separated from the money needed to print.

Comment Re: DOE is there for teachers, not students (Score 1) 304

From your criticism of local standards I can't tell if you're supporting national/international standards or individual standards, so I'll point out the flaws in both. In the sense of a standard meaning a criterion the same for everyone, "individual standard" is an oxymoron. National education standards ends up with the censorship of history so common in totalitarian governments.

The standards of education need to be appropriate for the community. It's pointless to teach Eskimos to surf or Hawaiians to build igloos. At the other extreme, not every parent is capable of defining educational goals for their children; illiterates can't be allowed to prevent their children from reading.

Comment Re:Watch some corporate retard (Score 1) 304

There's hardly a single item of truth in your post, but I'll expose just one flaw. Political and philosophic movements seldom have names that agree with their policies. There's nothing progressive about progressivism. Originally liberalism referred to a freedom-based ideology somewhat like today's libertarianism, but modern American liberalism is an alternate name for progressivism. American conservatism doesn't mean maintenance of the status quo, it means conserving the principles of the government established 1776-1787.

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