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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Seriously. Best. Email. EVAR. 52

Honestly, I can't make this shit up.

From: "Michael Bedford"
To: "Wil Wheaton"

Date: Today 20:00:06

Welcome to WIL WHEATON dot NET.
Fair and Balanced.

Fair and balanced is not what you are. The real host of Screen Savers never busted on Windows like you have. I agree Linux has its place but man you just lost fan when you busted harsh on Windows. You should realize people write viruses for fame and what OS is the best to get fame on is Windows. You should only hope that Linux doesn't become the main OS of choice for the desktop someday because it will be attacked in the same way. All I got to say is open your mind man but you were really negative on that show towards others and too pro Linux. If you were the permanent host I'd stop watching that show fairly quickly.

A fan you lost,

Let's go to the Big Board, shall we?

FUD: 1
Sanity: 0

We'll be back after this message.

User Journal

Journal Journal: New Insect Photo Galleries 1

Finally had a bit of time last night to crop, edit and post the digital photos from my last two Insect expeditions.

One gallery features the massive Cicada Killer wasp; the other gallery shows two of my favorite photo subjects: the endangered Northeastern Shore Tiger beetle and the slightly more prevalent Puritan Tiger beetle.

Enjoy the gratutious bug pr0n! ;)


Journal Journal: Work Assignments 8

I've recently been shifted to another part of my organization. Now instead of focusing my attention on customer support (phones, tickets, etc.) and working on writing documentation during off-peak hours, I'm responsible for writing, generating web content and helping manage the back-end of web services. Although I'm swamped with assignments, I'm really happy with my job, esp. since it seems that the more I learn, the more responsibilities I'll have. Plus I'll be able to do meaningful projects during work -- and not have to scavenge time outside of work.

I've noticed something about the way I conduct my work life. Although I'm not always as productive as I'd like to be, I always take my work home w/ me, whether that means I'm constantly planning projects in my head (even at social occaisions), or writing from home. I can only think of two jobs I've held where I left my work at work -- one was a security guard position; the other involved unloading trucks.

I'm going to have to bust my ass this weekend finalizing some lengthy end-user Unix documentation. Fun assignment, but I really have to deliver.

The Internet

Journal Journal: Rogue's Gallery 13

A buddy of mine just sent me this page. It's a huge gallery of people who have contributed to the evolution of the Internet, and hacker culture.

People range from Lary Wall to Taran King.

Really cool.


Journal Journal: Hosed. 9

WWdN is moving to a new server, and it looks like the textads database didn't get moved with the rest of the site.

I was gonna put up The Moose, but it looks like my shell access has been temporraily suspended, too.

So until that gets taken care of, my site will be nice and hosed, and readers will have to get their internet pr0n fix elsewhere.


Journal Journal: New @ WWdN 28

People ask me all the time if I'll link their site, or if I'll link a site they think is cool, or something like that.

Some other people occasionally send me 10 bucks or so to offset the costs of keeping the website up and running.

So I figured, whynot marry the two?

Texads are now available on WWdN. I get about 500,000 unique visitors a month, and this test ad I've been running has done almost 900 pageviews in less than 45 minutes.

So it's just 10 bucks / 2500 impressions. If you're interested, head on over to my site and set your phasers to buy.

Heh. I like talking about setting phasers to do things. I once said to a waiter, "Set your phasers to 'refill!'"

He looked at me like I was crazy.

Speaking of crazy people, when I was in San Diego, the majority of people in our hotel on Thursday night were ultra-fundie xtian people, with their judgemental t-shirts and big ass crosses on chains.

Anne and I got into the elevator (i started to type 'enterprise. wtf is that about?). A girl rushed into the elevator, and I said, "where are you going," as I pushed the button for the 6th floor.

"Six," she said.

"Oh! Six!" I said, "That's the floor that's sweeping the nation!"

"Damn, Wheaton, you are a funny motherfucker," I thought.

She put her hand on her hip, and proudly displayed her "Not perfect, just saved" T-shirt, and said, "Exactly what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Uhh . . . it means that it's where all the cool kids are staying?" I said.

"Oh. Okay," she said.

Anne and I shared an unspoken "WTF?!" as the elevator stopped on our floor.

I'm not perfect or saved, baby. So suck it.


Journal Journal: I'm off to OSCon! 18

On Thursday, I'll be at the OSCon up in Portland. I'll be mostly running around, getting my geek on, but I'm also dong a couple of organized book signing events.

  1. Thursday, 1:00pm: book-signing at the convention bookstore in the exhibit hall.
  2. Thursday night, 7:00-9:00pm: book-signing at Powell's Technical Books.

At both events, they're letting me read from Dancing Barefoot, and I'll be signing copies when I'm finished. So if any of my fellow Slashdotters are out at OSCon, drop by and say "hello, world! \n"

User Journal

Journal Journal: Updated the GeekCode 21

Very exciting moment for me tonight: I updated my geekcode.

I even updated it using the geekcode generator, installed using fink on my iBook, running in an X11 terminal window.

Then I got it into my Red Hat machine using the iBook's webserver.


Here it is:

Version: 3.12
GPA d-- s+: a C+++ UL+++ P+>+++ L+++ E--- W+++ N+ o+ K+++ w--
O---- M+ V-- PS++(+++) PE Y++ PGP++>+++ t++@$ 5++ X+ R+ tv- b++ DI+ D++
G++ e h---- r+++ y+++

Decode it here, if you rate G- or below.


Journal Journal: Woo-hoo!! My books are here!! 14


This morning, UPS arrived with a shipment of 366 copies of Dancing Barefoot from my printer! I nearly cried when I opened the first box, and saw "By Wil Wheaton" right on the cover.

My wife took pictures, which I'm debating putting up, because I have major bed head. :-)

I feel so good, and so excited about this. I started packing orders right away, and we completed 100 before I had to leave for a meeting.

My meeting was for a TV show pilot that seems REALLY cool. The meeting went very well, and I'm excited as hell to work with them. I hope it all works out.

And here's the crazy thing: the producers, who are very professional and CLEARLY know what they're doing, contacted me because of my website.

Okay, I have to go to the post office now. *hop*

User Journal

Journal Journal: Baleeted. 27

I had this entry about being upset. Well, it was just a bunch of stupid whining, that I probably should have just kept to myself.

So I deleted it.

I wrote about being upset because of some ACs. Well, that's bullshit, and I need to own up to it. This feeling of being upset . . . it has nothing to do with ACs. And focusing on that crap just takes away from the positive comments and joy of being published. That's stupid on my part.

My being upset has everything to do with being dragged back into a very frustrating, expensive, never-ending nightmare that won't go away, and continues to derail my life. This morning, we thought it would be over, but some very upsetting things happened to me that I can't go into. What I could go into was this stupid AC trolling, which would normally roll right off of me. So I took some useless crap way too seriously.

When I got home, and saw that this review of my book was on Slashdot, I got excited. I wanted to hear what my fellow geeks thought . . . and because I was already beaten down and on the verge of tears, all I could see was the negative.

Yeah, I know that people are going to slag me (or their impression of me, at least.) I can get over it, usually.

Just not today. This bullshit that I can't describe as fully as I'd like to has smothered me and my wife since 3 weeks to the day after our wedding. Today, we thought it would finally be over. Instead, we found out that it will drag on indefinately.

You ever get pissed, or overreact, and then later on apologize to your buddy who happened to be there when you snapped?

Well . . . I'm sorry about that.


Journal Journal: From the Stage to the Page 20

A few days ago, I sent the corrected proof of my first book (which is really my second, but I'm releasing them out of order) Dancing Barefoot back to my printer. This means that I'll have a final proof in a couple of days, and the book should be ready for sale somewhere around the second week of May. More details, including where you can get it, when I actually have copies to ship.

Here's the copy that goes on the back cover:

"There are five stories, spanning 30 years, between these covers. Some of them are funny, one is pretty damn sentimental, but they are all true. I wrote them shortly after my 30th birthday, as I looked to my past in an attempt to understand my present, and not fear my future."
                                                                                                        -Wil Wheaton

Houses in Motion - Memories fill the emptiness left within a childhood home, and saying goodbye brings them to life.

Ready Or Not Here I Come - A game of hide-n-seek with the kids works as a time machine, taking Wil on a tour of the hiding and seeking of years gone by.

Inferno - Two 15-year-olds pass in the night leaving behind pleasant memories and a perfumed Car Wars Deluxe Edition Box Set.

We Close Our Eyes - A few beautiful moments spent dancing in the rain.

The Saga of SpongeBob VegasPants - A story of love, hate, laughter and the acceptance of all things Trek.

Some product details:

Size: 8.5x5.5
Length: 106 pages.
ISBN: 0-9741160-0-9
Price: USD 12.95

Each story is illustrated by Ben Claasen III, who did the "Klingon Convention Trauma" and "Wil Has A Posse" images in the Cafe Press store.

More observant or longtime readers of WWdN will recognize the titles as some blog entries, and wonder why they would want to buy the book.

This is a good question, and here's my good answer: Because!


There are several reasons that I think you'd want this, even if you've already read the stories in the blog: it's illustrated, and they are AWESOME! The stories have all been rewritten, and fleshed out. Working with an editor, and getting feedback from many people has made the stories richer and more evocative. I've matured as a writer since I first penned them, and it shows.

But the biggest reason to get it is this: The Saga of SpongeBob Vega$ Pants is finally concluded! The story that I kept promising to finish has been totally rewritten (I think it's AWESOME now), and includes a retelling of the very first time I met WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER on the set of Star Trek V.

Initially, I wasn't that excited about this book. I just thought of it as something to fill the space between now and when Just A Geek is finished. I thought that maybe it could help generate interest in JAG too . . . but I've become very proud of it all on its own.

It is my first effort. I wish you would like it.


Journal Journal: A 1974 review of D&D 26

Boing Boing pointed me to this 1974 review of the "new" Dungeons and Dragons game.

Some highlights: D&D was subtitled "Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargams Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures."

The reviewer concludes, "In general, the concept and imagination involved is stunning. However, much more work, refinement, and especially regulation and simplification is necessary before the game is managable."

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Return of the son of the mailbag! 123

Because I so enjoy sharing the brilliant emails I get, I present to you:

"How Sad."



Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:50:16 -0600

You prefer to have the Iraqi people continue their brutal lives under 'the
butcher' Saddam. It makes you a lot smaller than I thought you were. You are
actually in favor of a brutal dictator over the lives of the people he
brutalizes. You support the ongoing torture and murderous subjugation of the
Iraqi people. You are against offering the people of Iraq freedom and free

Although it is well documented that the 911 terrorists trained in Iraq in
big jets on the ground using small knives to overcome the jet's crew, you
choose not to believe that there is any link between Saddam and terrorist.
It is certainly your right to choose to be blind. Saddam gives money to
martyr's families and openly supports Hamas. (Are you also anti-Semitic?) So
called 'Palestinians' could have had a state of their own any time in the
last 30 years. They choose not to have it. They do not want a state. They
simply want all Jews to die. They want the Jews thrown off the continent and
will be satisfied with nothing less. Ever. Do you also support the
Palestinians hatred of the Jews as strongly as you support Saddam's hatred
of all things American? You must agree that the US is the great Satan. After
all, you are rich. You are the devil incarnate to Saddam and those who
support like him.

Do you pretend to worship God the way you pretend to be 'for peace'? After
all, the peace you want is the ongoing brutalization of the Iraqi people by
the Butcher of Baghdad. And you are clearly FOR that. It is interesting that
a person who is a recipient of the best the US has to offer anyone is so
totally against anyone else having the same opportunities.

You may well be anti-war but the only peace you are 'for' is the peace of
death for any Iraqi who dissents from Saddam's wishes. You are 'for' the
peace of death for thousands of Iraqis, by starvation, every year your
sanctions continue. And if you are also not against sanctions and not
against attacking Iraq then you obviously support Saddam's attack of Kuwait
and Iran and the deaths by gassing of the Kurds. You are 'for' the many war
crimes Saddam has committed and you do not wish to see him punished...

How do you sleep at night?

Sincerely Baffled by your anti-Samaritanism and un-Christian attitudes.

PS> You truly hate the Iraqis a great deal to wish such an existence upon them. May god have mercy on you.

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