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Comment People bitch about html5 (Score 1) 99

but the main reason people are all jumping on the bandwagon is because with html5 there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel. sure it's missing a bunch of features but at the same time it eats into flash's feature set it fixes a bunch of the flaws with html4/xthml. Also it's not the complete cluster fuck that is flash.

Comment Re:Not surprised at all. (Score 1) 154

heh, their help desk is hilarious, had to get a dsl password reset, after 30 mins on the line to one of their staff from Papua New Guinea (i believe they actually give them english lessons to get them into the role) and them attempting to sms me the new randomised password 5 times and receiving nothing we were at an impasse. i gave up for the night, called back the next day to get one of their remaining australian staff, he reset the password and told me it over the phone and i was rolling. about a week later one of the sms came through with my new *email* password. efficient.

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