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Comment Re:worried about no lines (Score 1) 193

Apple is worried that there will be no lines and that this will make the news, sending their stock price down.

So, they've created a highly-publicised reservation system to prevent any such news from being relevant.

Or the reverse - they don't have enough.

Their supply is constrained, which has been known for a long time.

I doubt it will sell as well as the iPhone (what could really?), but I am certain that demand will heavily outstrip supply, at least for the first couple of months.

Comment Re:Desperate, not exclusive (Score 1) 193

Exclusive is a salesperson spending an hour just with you, patiently helping you to choose just the right style. Like... Macy's, when buying a watch of comparable price! Apple can not sell jewelry for nuts, they should have partnered with stores that have experience with making customers feel exclusive.

What makes you think they haven't done that?

(hint: they have, but they're also selling them in Apple stores too).

Comment Re:Way to piss off customers, Apple. (Score 2) 193

They don't have enough of them, simple as that.

Until their supply chain levels out, they're constrained.

You don't think they really want to do it this way in an ideal situation right?

They want to do whatever will make them the most money, but they have to contend with the fact that they simply will not have enough supply for the first few months of sales.

Comment Re:How about freedom for all? (Score 1) 1168

That's all very well until you open a business.

Privately you can believe what you want, but if you run a business you have to follow various rules - for example, signs saying "no blacks" are typically frowned upon. As it happens, currently "no gays" is actually not illegal (making the indiana bigotry law unnecessary anyway).

You're not required to think the same way, you're just required to follow a certain set of minimum criteria when running a business that interacts with the public.

Comment Re:a question - Right now (Score 1) 1168

You can afford to pay any amount of medical expenses (for example, major heart surgery, serious trauma surgery etc) with cash on hand?

It's wager that you're something of an edge case.

Otherwise, I call bullshit on insurance "not providing anything [you] can't provide on your own".

Or do you mean your parents will pay?

Or are you just monumentally stupid enough to simply roll the dice daily by not having insurance and thinking you couldn't possibly get sick or be injured? and consider that a better position than actually having insurance (or access to universal healthcare if you live in any of the other developed nations on earth)?

Comment Re:A laptop with almost no ports?! (Score 1) 529

A touchscreen is capable of displaying a keyboard, so yes, it can be a keyboard.

And thanks for answering my question, idiot.

Ah, so no argument then. I thought so.

Or, if we're going by your logic, the iPhone wins because it's the lightest. I mean, it can display a keyboard on the screen too so it counts.

Comment Re:The right place to air her rationalizations... (Score 1) 609

How is it a clear criminal offence?

The law that the original article tried to "gotcha" her with went into effect years after she left office.

As far as can be determined there's no "clear" criminal offence here, unless the law is applied retroactively, in which case she's not the only secretary of state who is apparently subject to a law that wasn't in effect at the time of their "crime".

Comment Re:Is the new MacBook for you? (Score 1) 450

Think you got your logic flipped there, mate. /.'s been iTard heavy for a while now.

Leaving aside the playground-quality insult skills (given the low UID did you borrow your dad's /. account to post?), the claim that slashdot is "heavily" pro-Apple is laughable.

It's one of the funniest things I've read all week.

Comment Re:Apple pay at Coke machines and apps for diabete (Score 1) 529

I see you didn't actually address the point. Consumer Electronics are a different market segment from luxury jewellery for the reasons I implied. Apple is about to learn this the hard way.

I find that when certain keywords like "iToy", "fanbois", "sheeple", "Crapple" and so on are in the post, addressing the point with factual rebuttals tends to be futile.

That train has already sailed.

For the record on this one, the idea that there will be a thriving industry for the repair of niche mechanical timepieces in 100 years but not one for niche electronics is not a point that can be easily answered, but a decade from now? Are you kidding?

Comment Re:A laptop with almost no ports?! (Score 1) 529

1.76 lbs. The touchscreen is part of the computer, hence it is already attached.

Are you trying to move goalposts or are you just an idiot?

How am I moving the goalposts by asking about the keyboard?

A touchscreen is not a keyboard.

A keyboard is a device with physical keys that you press. A touchscreen is a touch-sensitive layer over the top of a physical screen.

How does this make me an idiot? I'm struggling here. Please help me out "n00b".

Also, you forgot to log in again.

Comment Re:Bwahahahahahahwahahahaah (Score 1) 529

It isn't a good idea to completely deplete a lithium-ion battery on a regular basis. Keeping its charge above 25% makes makes an 18-hour battery a 13.5-hour battery, which means it must be charged 1.8 times a day, unless you charge it overnight while you sleep.

Still, its battery life is a step back from conventional watches. If you're going to invent a new mousetrap, you should try to make it at least as good as the old one in every way--no regressions.

You don't think Apple are quoting the usable life of the battery?

That buffer zone is already included in the battery's charge controller. When it says "0%" it isn't really at 0%.

Comment Re:Apple pay at Coke machines and apps for diabete (Score 1) 529

And this can be done by any number of watchmakers who have been plying their trade for over 100 years, and will still be doing so in another 100. Good luck getting parts for your iToy in even 10 years time...

Goodness, the hate is strong in this one.

Let it flow through you. It makes you stronger.

Seriously, you're going with that as an argument?

It's as if you think technology exists in some separate reality from... well, anything that allows you to make a case against Apple, I guess.

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