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Comment Re:doesn't sound too secure yet (Score 1) 367

> x86 code runs natively on 90% of the processors out there.

Er, no, it doesn't. X86 is a minority, for all that it totally dominates the desktop. The most widespread CPU architecture in the world, in terms of total units, is ARM, by a large margin. They sell /billions/ of the things each year. Don't believe me, go look it up.


Submission + - Signing emails with DomainKeys Identified Mail (heise-online.co.uk)

Lproven writes: "Almost nobody bothers with encrypting their email. It's too much like hard work and few people are equipped to read it anyway. But getting your email server to digitally sign all the messages it sends is perhaps the next best thing. Individual users don't need to do anything, it aids security and it helps to fight spam and phishing. Nothing proprietary, it's all an open standard: DKIM, DomainKeys Identified Mail. Here's how.

Disclaimer: I didn't write this piece, I just edited it. Go read it, help pay my mortgage!"


Submission + - The job from heaven or hell in the Netherlands

FreshnFurter writes: "An original job opening in the Netherlands seems to be shoe in for some of the slashdot audience: http://www.nationalevacaturebank.nl/vac/1212231/?s key=mmwn

The company is rockingstone which apparantly makes Windows software too.

The opening is looking for a "Kettingrokende, atheistische, niet al te autistische Linux freak" (i.e. Chain smoking, atheist, not too autistic Linux freak). The pension plan is interesting too.: "No bullshit about pensionplans, you get that yourself. You get to choose what insurance company or bank gets to do you over."

More specifics on personality: 1) No guys with mustaches, 2) No idiots who implement major changes on a server on friday afternoon.

Slashdotters, what are you waiting for!"

Submission + - Installing Software in Linux is a Headache

eldavojohn writes: "Ian Murdoch has started a series entitled "Software installation on Linux: Today, it sucks" that expresses the problems he has with installing software on Linux. He's noticed other blogs that mention using open source in Windows because it is guaranteed to come with an installer that "just works." A lot of Linux distributions out there have their own package deployment programs (RPM, APT, yum, etc.) but, as I've also found, nothing is guaranteed to "just work." The end of his rant points to the recent LSB conference in Germany with hopes that its Packaging Summit (December 6) will give the Linux Standards Base something to think about and hopefully address."

Journal Journal: The sudden appeal of XP 1

Having to work in a support enviroment, you often end up in talks about the latest thing that is going to hit you for support. Now, in my case, I socialise a lot with my co-workers and often we get together at parties and the subject of the latest thing to make our lives miserable comes up. Such is the case with Vista, but what is noticable is how we chat for about 20 minutes about features, hardware and software compatabillity untill someone mentions what he done to his XP partition to make (mo

Submission + - Spam volumes -- what's REALLY going on?

richi writes: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Spam has doubled / spammers are winning / spam is 80% of all mail / 90% of mail / 110%, etc. etc. etc...


I'm getting bored with self-serving anti-spam vendors flinging dubious statistics around. Yes, spam volumes have increased recently, but doubled? No.

More at Computerworld: http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/4182"

Submission + - Matsushita Claims A Safer Li-Ion Battery

Anonymous writes: After millions and millions of notebook battery recalls this year, not to mention notebook fires, Matsushita says it has developed a safer way of mass-producing lithium-ion batteries. According to this story, the company says that it offers a "clean" manufacturing process free of the potential for contaminating battery packs; that's the problem Sony said it encountered when it ran millions of suspect battery packs off its assembly lines.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Hey, I don't Want That Futile Gadget

I hate Xmas. I feel sad at this time because the holidays. I feel people both so naive and hypocrite. I really don't find fun anymore at Xmas. When I was in London I saw the famous trend to greet 'happy holidays' instead 'merry xmas'. New times, when muslims are part of the market and diversity is on the tune. Now Jews are having chanuka peacefully. OK, that's nice. I don't complain about that. I am actually pretty unaware of it all.


Submission + - Various ways of detecting rootkits in GNU/Linux

An anonymous reader writes: A Rootkit by definition is a collection of tools that a cracker (a hacker gone bad) installs on a victim's computer after gaining initial access. It generally consists of log cleaning scripts and trojaned replacements of core system utilities such as ps, top, ifconfig and so on. This article explains how to detect whether someone has swapped a program with a rootkit on ones system running GNU/Linux.
It may also be noted that in recent times, atleast one well known multi-billion dollar company has been found guilty of installing a rootkit in the pretense of stopping copyright infringement, on a user's machine without his permission when the user played its Music CD.
Data Storage

Submission + - ZFS in Leopard

An anonymous reader writes: French Site Mac4Ever presents a screenshot of Leopard's Disk Image Utility with ZFS as a choice in the filesystem menu. Also covered on StorageMojo.
The Internet

Submission + - Skype thinks it always rains in London

Anonymous Coward writes: "Skype version slanders London as a place that is associated with permanent downpoor.
Users on this version that receive the phrase "(london") in a chat will be presented with the emoticon for "(rain)" instead."

Submission + - The Blasphemy Challenge

Roland Sassen writes: "The last email from richardawkins.net provides the following opportunity:

"December 17, 2006 The Rational Response Squad (http://rationalresponders.com) and Brian Flemming (creator of 'The God Who Wasn't There' DVD) have started a new online campaign through YouTube.com called "The Blasphemy Challenge." Deny the holy spirit in a video, upload it to YouTube, and get a free copy of 'The God Who Wasn't There' on DVD. Click here for more information: http://richarddawkins.net/article,425,The-Blasphem y-Challenge,The-Rational-Response-Squad Or visit: blasphemychallenge.com We also have a brand-new 'switch' page at richarddawkins.net, thanks to Claudio Esposito! Check it out! www.richarddawkins.net Thanks for reading, Josh Timonen. www.richarddawkins.net "

After the "open source freedom", the "no god freedom" will change our world. Roland Sassen http://www.thinsia.com/"

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There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.
