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Comment Re:Why yes, we should blame the victim here (Score 1) 311

So... why is it the people who upload and host this stuff do not have consequences?

I think that's a legitimate TOR angle, actually. In order to leverage the law you need to know where they physically are. TOR hides that, per design.

There's a case here, folks.

TOR is inhibiting legal remedies.

Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score 1) 249

Otherwise when he talks about making gay people illegal, forcing women to be barefoot and pregnant, abolishing access to birth control and abortion people might question why this Canadian is pretending to be a Texan with values completely the opposite of the nation he held a passport in.

It's always nice when someone self-identifies as someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Comment Most disappointing for me is manipulating the feed (Score 2) 160

Facebook's efforts to manipulate the feed are really disappointing. If they'll do it for jollies, then they'll damn sure do it if someone pays them to or if the government orders them to.

Imagine an 'American Spring'. Imagine the government not only spying on Facebook users communicating about it, but requiring that Facebook actively suppress any positive comments about it.

That shit ain't right.

Comment Re:The egg comes first, the chicken later. (Score 1) 1330

It happens because there was something wrong with the zygote sufficient that the body aborted it on its own.

I covered that part already.

"Just leave it alone and give it a chance" isn't so difficult a standard for reasonable people to apply. Note, too, that this doesn't inhibit contraception in any way.

If your pill only targets those zygotes that would have been lost anyway, then I can see no problem with it.

Comment Re:Political/Moral (Score 1) 305

The defaults alone weren't the problem. The groupthink and perverse psychology of the private sector was the problem. Government just wanted to help people get homes. The greed of the private sector created such a mess that everything crashed because of their shenanigans.

This assumes that either:

A) Government is immune from private sector influence.
B) The private sector's behavior was in any way surprising.

Both are pretty naive. At least we all know better now, right?



Comment Re:The egg comes first, the chicken later. (Score 1) 1330

You're focusing on the wrong aspect. It isn't about potential, but human potential. The same as eating meat is allowed, but eating human meat is not. This is largely because nobody wants to be eaten.

However rudimentary it is, if left alone it will most likely develop into a human. Same as you did when you were in that rudimentary stage because nobody interfered with your genetic material.

Note, too, this is why many of us don't object to funding primary education even though we don't all have kids. We received such an education, and wouldn't have wanted it taken away due to lack of funding.

So while the nervous system makes a fine line for certain arguments, in general it's the 'what if this happened to me' angle that makes human-material issues most unique.

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