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Comment Re:Or maybe... (Score 1) 309

"not suggesting anyone takes away your C, though I do have to wonder why you're too much of a pussy to write your drivers in assembler."

Oddly enough I'm quite familiar with x86 assembler and some stuff still needs to be written in it that even C can't manage. But your assertion that suddenly because a new language has some safety features de jour that prevent the programmer shooting himself in the foot its going to lead to better software is utter cock. If that were the case the best software in the world would be written in Visual Basic.

Comment Re:Or maybe... (Score 1, Funny) 309

"These are simply not possible in the new language. And thus software quality will be improved."

What type of software? Good luck writing device drivers in Swift. Yes I know its a niche area, but you know, it is kind of an important one.

If the new languages that came along brought something new to the table then no one would complain, but often its just the same old cola with a bit of extra sugar. Wooah , garbage collection! genetic types! no pointers! Yeah, I'm really going to spend months getting up to speed just for that. Not.

Comment Only 100kg (Score 1) 64

"In a recent test, a man weighing almost 100 kg (220 lbs) "

They've got a way to go before it can support your average fat american then. But then I suppose if you need to get one of those land whales up the side of a building you'd use a crane anyway.

Comment Re:I get enough flying priuses already. (Score 1) 186

"If they're going faster, they're doing you a favour, if not, tough titties, act like a mature, responsible adult."

Oh I do - I just pass tossers like you on the inside. Usually resulting in THEM suddenly flashing their lights at someone having the temerity to not treat them like police. Fuck them and fuck you. I'll drive at the speed *I* want, NOT the speed YOU think is appropriate. If I decide to driver over the speed limit its got nothing to do with you and you have no business trying to prevent it.

Comment Re: aka (Score 1) 186

"That's not true. It varies from vehicle to vehicle and between driving profiles, but it's usually 50-75% of the resistance at highway speed coming from aero drag - not 95%."

It very much depends on the speed of the vehicle and its coefficient of drag. Air resistance increases by velocity squared whereas rolling resistance is pretty much constant regardless of speed.

Comment Re:I get enough flying priuses already. (Score 5, Insightful) 186

"Try an experiment: go the speed limit in the center lane of the highway and see how many furious drivers pound their horns and flash their headlights"

Yeah , I wonder why that could be. Perhaps because some arrogant ass is blocking the lane when he's supposed to move over if the nearside lane is clear. If you want to play traffic cop go sign up and do the 2 years training, otherwise get out the fecking way.

Comment Re: aka (Score 5, Insightful) 186

Given 95% of resistance at motorway speeds is air resistance, not rolling resistance I'm not entirely sure how having a massive fan to create the lift and another to propel the car is going to improve fuel efficiency given how inefficient propellers are to start with.

Comment Re:Umm, no (Score 1) 323

"Also, to your second point, in order to be exempt from CALEA, we are legally obliged make a reasonable effort to ensure the people we provide network service to are indentifiable associates of our organization"

Are you *seriously* suggesting using an easily spoofed MAC address is one way to do that?

Christ, I hope I never have to use a network you're administering! Its probably been hacked to death already.

Comment Re:This is why no Briton.... (Score 1) 216

"No, it is not a deterrent. Nor should it be a punishment. It should be focused on rehabilitation. It is much cheaper and far more effective, and far better for society."

Yes, god forbid we should punish someone for doing something wrong, that would be against their human rights wouldn't it? Can't have that can we, mustn't be nasty to anyone because that makes us as bad as them right?

Wrong! Its utter BS and naive suckers like you in the justice are the reason someone walked out of an open prison in the UK a few weeks back and immediately went on to commit an armed robbery. Christ you people make me sick , you moronic ideology is fucking up western society but you're all too stupid and arrogant to see it.

Comment Re:This is why no Briton.... (Score 1) 216

"Prison is not meant to be primarily a deterrent, but a way to rehabilitate if possible"

Err , sorry , excuse me? A primary deterrent is exactly what it is and a way to keep criminals out of main society. Rehabilitation comes later if it even works which with a lot of psychopaths and sex offenders it doesn't.

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