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Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

"He's been on a concerted campaign to get rid of people like Clarkson from the BBC"

Indeed. And given his religious upbringing I smell something more than just a standard guardianista agenda.

"something tells me a token female presenter on Top Gear wouldn't go down too well with him."

To be fair they could do a lot worse than put VBH back on. And she'd be a long way from token!

Comment Re:Will that be enough? (Score 1) 197

"A wall is much thinner than an artificial island"

And much longer.

"for the crazy idea you mention"

I didn't mention any idea. Can't you even read poster names?

"I think I even drove on a road that was more than 250 miles long before."

Congratulations. Do you want a medal or something for driving along that road? Or perhaps for that miserable attempt at irony?

Comment Re:Browsers getting too complex (Score 1) 237

"Firefox is open source right? If it has gotten out of control, why can't the good pieces be carried over to something better, and the old Firefox be shut down?"

Thats pretty much what happened with Netscape Navigator - and it became Firefox. Thing is, rewriting code may free up some cruft and get rid of some bugs and make the devs feel like their doing something more productive than simply firefighting, but in general it simply replaces like for like - you simply get new cruft (after a few revisions) and new bugs to deal with. Rince and repeat.

Comment Re:voting age reform (Score 1) 136

"look at where only allowing those with "mature" brains vote has gotten us. "

And you think letting kids who know the square root of fuck all about the world having a vote will improve things? Get a grip.

"Why shouldn't felons get to vote either? Who better them has insight into how our current criminal justice system is or isn't fair. Are they no longer human just because they have been put in prison?"

They opted out of the rules of society when they broke them. Give us a good reason why they SHOULD get the vote?

Comment SMM was a very flawed idea... (Score 1) 120

... and those responsible for it at Intel should have been brought to book about it. There is NO good technical reason for its existence and it introduces a multitude of issues and not only security ones. eg: timing issues for realtime OS's, buggy firmware causing sudden crashes. Sure, it makes some things such as emulating hardware simpler but that is hardly a compelling reason to have this barn door of a security hole in every Intel motherboard.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
