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Comment Let's pretend Slashdotters are clueless (Score 1) 274

root (also known as superuser)

On a largely Linux-focues tech news site you just defined 'root'. Why not also define '32-bit compatibility mode', 'Linux', 'kernel', '64-bit', 'privileges', 'web server', 'call', 'emulation layer', 'Syscall table'.

Protip: We're nerds. Write for your audience. If I don't understand a term, I can look it up. I'd prefer to have to do that than have random definitions stuck in the summary.

Comment Re:Prophecy (Score 1) 764

Demand stays the same. Quantity demanded goes down.

This sounds like nit-picky semantics, but it's an important distinction. When we say 'demand is lower' it comes across as saying lower equivalent supply hasn't hurt people--there's X less supply and people want X less, so it's okay. It does hurt, though--they want the oil just as much as before, they just can't have it.

Comment Re:Prophecy (Score 5, Informative) 764

It's not about to run out. It's about to--wait for it--PEAK. Production has been increasing since its discovery and soon it will begin to decrease--but 'decrease' (or even 'decrease fast enough to be big trouble) does not equate 'decrease quickly enough to solve global warming', especially considering the time lag.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 659

Yet we're still leaving troops there

Remember how we were all mad at Germany early in the Iraq war? Do you remember how we punished them? We started some of our troops out of Germany and shutting down American military bases in the country. Why did we have military bases in Germany in 2005? Because we put them there during the Cold War, some immediately following World War II.

So, yeah, we're keeping a military presence in Iraq, just a we've kept a presence in Germany for over fifty years. It's strategic to have bases spread around the globe.

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