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Comment Re:Brother Printers (Score 1) 557

I would recommend finding a multi-purpose printer. Something that can print/scan/photo-copy etc, with duplex capabilities and a paper feeder.

I got a refurbished Brother MFC-8860DN Printer, and I have to say it's the best printer I've ever owned. All the extra built-in features just make me glad I put in the extra money upfront instead of wasting my time with single purpose printers.

Just yesterday I scanned in a 5 page document from the tray feed into a PDF on my computer. It's also great when I want to make a quick photo copy of something.

The software is decent, but could be better. It is a network printer, but you obviously need to use their software for scanning and such. Overall, I would still recommend it as a solid multi-purpose printer.

Comment Re:Three Possibilities (Score 1) 551

As much as I don't like the price and lock-in of the iPhone, I have to admit my Blackberry takes at least 3 or 4 memorized button combinations more than a similar function on the iPhone. It simply has too high of a learning curve.

I don't like the at&t + iPhone lock-in, but I think it's the only thing that could have opened the cell industry. I can't forget how many Palm devices weren't allowed to have wifi simply b/c the cell company wouldn't allow it. Now it seems like they can't live without it.

Comment Re:of all the things to copy from Chrome (Score 1) 556

I completely agree, I like having a normal title bar. Then again, I still use the "classic theme" in Windows. I like the current UI as it is, and have even been a bit annoyed in some of the tweaks they've made over the past few releases.

I'd like to see these features as options or themes. Maybe even make an easy option to go into "support mode" which will provide a unified standard UI.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 423

Marvel has been the little darling of the media recently. They took that loan to be able to create their own movies (instead of licensing deals with Sony, etc), and have more creative control over their properties. I think Iron Man was the first fruits of their efforts (that, or the 2nd Hulk, I can't remember).

Seeing how well they did with Iron Man, I would completely understand why Disney would want to get in on the action. With the financial backing of Disney, Marvel can take more risks and could produce a lot more mega-hits.

Of course, this all assumes Disney doesn't mess it all up.

Comment Re:Longing for the good ol' days (Score 1) 335

I used dvrupgrade to upgrade our hard drive, but I could never get the MRV/HMO stuff to work correctly.

I eventually got tired messing around with the thing. We lost all our recordings after the drive failed (covered under their warranty), and had issues after the last big DirecTV Tivo update.

I've been tempted to try to re-enable all the hacks again, but I'm kind of tired of messing around with it.

Comment Re:Longing for the good ol' days (Score 1) 335

Still have our DirectTV Tivo. Wish I could put my own content on it, or download content from the web, or even update it (330 days since our last successful update) over the network or VOIP. Still, I prefer it to anything else I've seen.

When the time comes to go to HD, unless something drastically changes in the meantime, I'll be following Tivo, not DirectTV.

Comment Re:Just admit, you hate microsoft. Apple = free pa (Score 1) 926

Thank you for saying this, I was just going to mod you up, but I thought a reply would emphasize the point further.

I'd feel much better about what the FSF is doing if they weren't so intent on one target. Apple does just as much lock-in as it can and always seems to get a free pass. I seem to remember a new version of OSX is coming out, why no page about it's sins? iPhone? iTunes? Amazon's Kindle?

I'm not the biggest Microsoft fan, and they've been the bunt of many of my jokes, but it's hard to ignore the simple outright hate. From what I understand, the FSF is an organization that supposed to encourage positive growth in open software, not encourage negative hate towards certain companies.

Comment Re:Do not hate me. (Score 1) 821

I've been trying it out, and so far I'm liking it for the most part. I completely skipped Vista, so I must admit some of the features are new to me.

I do have some gripes here and there, but I can't help but think back to the days when I hated XP and swore I would never use that crayon-colored bloated OS. Eventually I had to use it, and I discovered the Windows Classic theme (is also included in Win7).

My biggest fear so far has been the upgrade policy for the RC. I know that it's a beta product, but from what I understand you have to reinstall the entire OS once the final product comes out. I would really love to see a simple upgrade path - enter a new license number, upgrade a few files, etc.

Comment Cost of Equipment now (Score 1) 541

There always seems to be new breakthroughs in solar technology all the time. I wonder how much the cost of his original equipment is going to go down over the new few years. How much his original setup cost today?

He is obviously an early adopter, so I also wonder if he'll continue to just upgrade his equipment before getting a return from his investment. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but the person who might best benefit from this experiment is his neighbor (assuming they get any old equipment).

Comment Re:Gnucash all the way (Score 1) 291

Just curious - when you say "pull in an OFX from my bank", are you just logging into your bank's website and downloading the OFX, then importing into GnuCash? Or are you opening GnuCash and having it directly interact with the bank and pulling the OFX itself.

I'm just wondering, because I always thought that was a very convenient feature of Quicken, and it's kept me from even considering other options.

Comment Re:I had some ideas, but they are pretty "out ther (Score 4, Insightful) 252

(grammar corrected)

I wouldn't consider this post Flamebait. The parent pretty much described Office 2007's interface, which everyone was complaining about when it first came out.

On the subject of ribbons and tabs, I would favor the ribbon interface similar to Photoshop. For example, when you choose the cropping tool, there is a ribbon with all the options for cropping. However, I'm not too much of a fan of the Office 2007 interface. I think they did a poor job in the organization of the functions, and didn't even offer an option to switch interfaces.

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