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Comment Re:Twelve volts (Score 1) 79

I don't think you actually read the specifications.

They require the 12 volt source to be regulated between 11.4 and 12.6 volts. The nominal charge voltage for a 12 volt lead-acid battery is 13.2-13.8 volts and discharging a 12 volt lead-acid battery below 12 volts is generally considered to shorten it's lifetime considerably.

Comment Re:Car analogy (Score 2) 111

"We heard your feedback that our car's engine stops frequently, and we've now improved it to restart FASTER".

"We heard your feedback that our car's engine stops frequently, and we've now improved it so that we can replace the engine without destroying the stuff in the trunk"

Comment I'm 71 and still working... (Score 1) 129

I've been designing, building and selling embedded controllers for 25 years. I'd love to retire but my customers are still depending on me and I don't have enough business to hire and pay help. I attended a class for inspection, calibration and maintenance of airport weather stations a few years ago. Of the 12-15 people attending, there was only one person under 50 at the class.

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