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Comment Re:I've been saying this all along....! (Score 1) 1015

Although I pretty much believe you're trolling, peaceful voyages would be comparable to a biologist from the midwest spending several weeks traveling to spend a year in Antarctica researching a microbe. Eventually, if a civilization develops enough, they will have the resources to satisfy their curiosity. However, it is just as likely they will be scavengers looking for pretty fur and make the resource extinct. In a long enough timeline contact is inevitable and one or the other will happen. Might as well make sure it happens gracefully.

If seti style contacts are established, any actual contact is likely to be through time-capsule type care-packages that take millenia to arrive. Maybe eventually carrying biological samples.

I imagine Stephen Hawking because of his celebrity status and his disability is developing some sort of persecution complex and is likely to view aliens in the same context. Yes, when we deal with enough people there will be a few bad eggs. And, the more people we deal with the more likely we are to encounter the really really bad eggs. But, we can't hide in our houses. The vast majority are good people and will help insulate from the bad. Hiding does nothing to insulate us, only leaves us exposed in a different way.

Submission + - Mos Eisley of the Internet

caffiend666 writes: 4chan /b/
The Almighty Buck

Rapidshare Trying To Convert Pirates Into Customers 227

An anonymous reader writes with this excerpt from TorrentFreak: "The file-hosting service Rapidshare is seeking major entertainment industry partners for an online store [to which links containing infringing material will redirect]. The plan is an attempt to bridge the gap between copyright holders and users of the site who distribute infringing material. Similar to many other companies that operate in the file-sharing business, Rapidshare often finds itself caught between two fires. On the one hand it wants to optimize the user experience, but by doing so they have to respect the rights holders to avoid being continuously dragged to court. To ease the minds of some major executives in the entertainment industry, Rapidshare's General Manager Bobby Chang has revealed an ambitious plan through which copyright holders could benefit from the file-hosting service. At the same time, Chang says that his company will target uploaders of copyrighted material — whom he refers to as criminals — more aggressively."

Submission + - Amount of porn I posess poll

caffiend666 writes: 1) You can prove nothing
2) Only on work computer
3) Less than a meg
4) About 10 meg
5) About a gig
6) Less than 100 gig
7) Less than 1 terabyte
8) Greater than 1 terabyte
9) Googled Porn takes up no space

Comment Re:motivation (Score 1) 347

Survive pressures and temperatures? Where is your vision, you're not thinking like a maniacal spacelord! Did you or did you not take maniacal space-lordery at Uni? Who needs to survive the pressures when you can blow the whole planet up and pick up the interesting pieces. Don't worry, if you limit the explosion most of it reform in it's own gravity well. Or in the case of a gas/liquid giant, find the interesting stuff via RADAR/SONAR type systems and push it out the other side via LASERs :) Ooooo, giant nets! Giant space nets lowered from orbit! THAT'S IT! Or, how about a giant claw lowered from geosynchronous orbit like the Hughes Glomar Explorer. You'll get much of it to the surface....

Comment Carbon shields used before, bad idea (Score 0) 251

Carbon shields have been used before, was bad idea with bad consequences. The Windscale research reactors were built with a significant amount of graphite for absorbing neutron radiation. The graphite was great at it. But, the energy would build up and spontaneously release itself as energy, and/or fires. Sure, they had work arounds. But, the workarounds gradually stopped being useful and the entire thing went up in flames eventually. Cleanup has just now really started, after over 50 years. Granted, there might be a safe way to use carbon once and change it out. But geez, carbon dioxied waste is one thing. Nuclear/spontaneously combusting carbon waste is another....

Submission + - Marge Simpson poses for Playboy (

caffiend666 writes: 'Marge Simpson poses for Playboy....the magazine is giving the star of "The Simpsons" the star treatment, complete with a data sheet, an interview and a 2-page centerfold.' ... '"We knew that this would really appeal to the 20-something crowd," said Playboy spokeswoman Theresa Hennessey.' ... Playboy even convinced 7-Eleven to carry the magazine in its 1,200 corporate-owned stores, something the company has only done once before in more than 20 years.

Submission + - NASA discovers giant ring around Saturn ( 1

caffiend666 writes: "The Spitzer Space Telescope has discovered the biggest but never-before-seen ring around the planet Saturn, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced late Tuesday."..."The bulk of the ring material starts about 3.7 million miles from the planet and extends outward about another 7.4 million miles." One ring to rule them all....

Submission + - New species of worms release 'bombs' (

caffiend666 writes: "A newly found deep ocean worm 'can cast off green glowing body parts, a move scientists think may be a defensive effort to confuse attackers. Researchers have dubbed the newly discovered critters "green bombers."' ... 'The first of the new species has been given the scientific name Swima bombiviridis.' So, it's a naturally occuring animal that rips off it's arms and throws them and we're not talking about a game from ID Sofware?"

Comment What are you trying to accomplish? (Score 3, Insightful) 323

What are you trying to accomplish? If you want neat and pretty, that needs one type of thing. If you are trying to organize the cables behind the computer, that needs another type of thing. If you are only trying to neaten the cables between computers, that needs another. You building a rack-room or want something professional? My only concern was getting in-between device cables off of the floor and above doors. Went to home depot, bought 1.5 inch PVC Pipe mounting clasps (used to hold pipes to walls), and suspended them 8 inches from the ceiling. Then ran the cables through the clasp. To manage power-cables behind desk, I strap-tied the power cables to the desk, leaving other ethernet/keyboard cables which will move around loose. If you want something to impress girls, don't think having neat cables counts. Most women that have seen the cables dangling from my walls are more than a little worried.... Keep meaning to string LED lights along them to make them look less disturbing.


Submission + - NASA has the lost tapes (

caffiend666 writes: "A Speculated a few weeks ago, NASA has found and is starting to restore the lost Apollo 11 tapes. A Briefing will be held July 16th "at the Newseum in Washington to release greatly improved video imagery from the July 1969 live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moonwalk. " "The original signals were recorded on high quality slow-scan TV (SSTV) tapes. What was released to the TV networks was reduced to lower quality commercial TV standards.""

Swine Flu Kills Obese People Disproportionately 661

Philip K Dickhead writes "Bloomberg is reporting that the World Health Organization discovered a single, surprising characteristic that's emerged among swine flu victims who become severely ill: They are all fat. Infected people with a body mass index greater than 40 suffer respiratory complications that are harder to treat and can be fatal. The virus appears to be on a collision course with the obesity epidemic. WHO officials are gathering statistics to confirm and understand this development. 'It's very likely that if we went back retrospectively and looked at people who did poorly during seasonal flu, what would shake out is that obesity would be one of the risks.' Fat cells secrete chemicals that cause chronic, low-level inflammation that can hamper the body's immune response and narrow the airways, says Tim Armstrong, a doctor working in the WHO's chronic diseases department in Geneva."

Comment Static Page Feeds are available (Score 4, Informative) 338

Static configurations are available already, not the intelligent ones being requested. Has sufficed for what I needed:

To have print page break add: <p style="page-break-before: always">

Also, to hide odd font and underline for links:

<STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=print> <!-- A { text-decoration: none; color: black } --> </STYLE>

Yes, they have to be massaged a little.

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