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Comment Large racked American white-tail deer thrive ... (Score -1) 146

... in a PAY-FOR-RACK hunting environment. Need to grow more fierce man-slashing Siberian Tigers,  & mean huge-tusked African elephants,  and stomp-yo'-*zzwhole musk ox.

"Yo Vinni pass me that 375-cal ... SPLAT -- ouch ---

Humans are natural born killaz except for the SanFran style nancyboiz and boo.hoo.babes.  If you want more appeal to the human male killer instinct and crush PETA-peeing-pervos with an iron bootheel. Or feed 'em to the 800-Kg genetic hybrid lions.  Kinda like growing nasty sperm whale for  **spear-yo-spouter** uber-wealthy whaling parties.  Get the clue? Lots of whale & ox then !!

Comment Kowabonga Batman (Score -1) 286

Native Hawaiian savages stage a laugh riot over evil whitemans tools. Kowabonga Batman just leave them alone till some Maui wowee unearths the next Ebola-like pestilent from mom-Gaias box-of-bangers. Then watch the native population rot-away Easter-Isle style.  Here's the rule -- love me love my telescope *zzfyucking your Neolithic holy-of-holies.  Anyrate build worlds largest telescope on roasted bones of the fools. 

Comment Pussy American IT workers. (Score -1) 636

History teaches the careful observer that if  fired American Disney IT workers had shot-down a dozen Disney execs and a few major investors , then the scabbing-issue would not reoccur. Study the history of the American labor movement. Might also go looking for politicians who pimp the H1-B programs --  history teaches they ought to be terrified.

History teaches a plain rule. If you aren't willing to kill for your job, and butcher-out  parasite "majors" , then you don't deserve the job. Don't like blood-bool? Then eat like a dog and live like a peon!

Comment Bytches can't do real engineering (Score -1) 634

... so Fruit+nut Berkley sugars the LaPlace transforms and coats complex variables with chocolate yum. Gawd knows what they do with a Smith-Chart. Caramelize ??  Real feckin-A improvement in analysis for build-out;  Archimedes would be proud!  Princeton nandyboiz had long-ago surrendered their native male superiority in order to get more Barnard ass. You surprised  the SJW-babes control now ? But really .... is it 14% that's the "natural" tomboy klan of female engineers? Sounds good; knock yourself out!  For the rest I say --- get back in the kitchen bytch and bake me a pie. You DO know howto bake ... right ?

Comment Muzzi-wogs act-out 15-th century justice (Score -1) 494

Bytch shot dead -- by her own people -- because she thought  reason was justice and work love.  G*d grant her mercy.  Yet,   serves her right --- trusting viperous, dog-fyucking MuJad savages that **now** act no better than  than rabid rats. And ofcourse Saudi *zzkissing Obama.Hussain  and Bantu.Holder.the.bolder  invite hords of these folks into the country. We may cut them down now ... butcher them out while we still have the chance. Savage? Indeed no human rights issue exists because no such rights exist.  So pick yo' clan palsy,  arm,  and see to your own welfare. 

Comment Re:I will never understand (Score -1) 104

You have made exactly the correct point; Megacorp beware! It's the yeomans **poison pill** for he has nothing to lose by fighting and a potential large financial gain. Of-course a legal-beagle approach is nothing so effective as just shooting dead a few dozen toity troll-lawyers.  Make 'em shit-scared. Worked for the historical American, French and Russian revolutions; should work as well now.

Comment Irish are pricks ... tuff. (Score -1) 114

Easy to see why a rational Irish Gub'mnt can stomp-all-over Irish liberties . The Irish have been documented class-A pricks for 5000 years both to themselves and others. Damme even the spear-Danes out for a bit of rape-fest fun couldn't tolerate them.

Then the Brits & French came along to "help". Then the best of the Paddizzz came to America leaving the ol' sod to Hicksville degenerates. Now they are filled with Muzzi-wogs border-jumpers , yet they smyte eachother  instead of Allah-Wallazz and the Gub'mnt gives them the Stalinist sh*t  they deserve. Tuff tit Paddyz. 

Comment Capitalists serve their nation ? (Score -1) 230

The invisible fyucking-A hand has a baseball bat shoved up yo' *zzwhole. Mebby rug-weaving ISIS neckbeards in Iran, Turkey or Afganland will serve their **nation** before profit. But, until Abe Lincoln, Roosevelt  (or such) puts a bootheel on their throats no   American company or investor or manager  will serve other than their short-term monetary self-interest. Hell it's illegal  ( MBAs pimp labor-excused murder ) in most states for them to do otherwise. Gawddamm you swine on yo' kneez! Hail  the $$$. 

Comment Re:Well done! (Score -1, Flamebait) 540

Yep. If you butchered-off the wettbakkk border-jumpers at-entrance then you simply don't have the issue of **entitled** foreign invaders. WTF did that concept even come from? USA wealth belongs to USA citizens --  monies, land and opportunity-costs and are to be struggled for **to the death** as needed of bleeding-heart traitorous SJWs.

Comment Re:The real extinction (Score -1, Flamebait) 93

A 6-th extinction? Not happening now !  I don't see drooling, bleeding heart lib.coms (liberal communists) dying off nearly as fast as justified by their anti-survival traits and underfoot over-population. Guess only the leaps count ----  where are the asteroids when we really need them?

Comment Contributing edits to WikiP is too hard (Score -1) 186

Crudely speaking ...... let's say editing a WikiP topic is as tough as getting **gFTP** to work.  The **gFTP** desktop penetration is about 1%.  So ...  such a hill-climb  in byteboi-land eliminates 99% of all web-user contributors  with specific content expertize. No wonder what remains is an inbred witchly crew of  literalist gnomes dancing about their verbal iron kettle of brewfalse.   

Comment Drooling bitchy article (Score -1) 365

Can humans rebuild without carbon-fuel  after an HIV-like apocalypse? NO ... of-course not. We humans red-in-tooth-and-claw will again enslave or slaughter our plant resources -- just as we do whales, sheep and weaker tribes/cultures -- scotching the suicidal Jonestown trope bytch-Gaia  plans for every member of her native Earth whore-house.

We will burn oil, wood, baby-seal blubber and coal,  then Bantu and true Scotsmen  ... those BTUs gotta come from somewhere.  1.0 wasted BTU = 1/2 BTU smarts. The strong will be known-after to do-as-they-will ... build, expand, complexify.  Weak, lazy, stupid and unlucky mammals will be fodder and do as they must. Have a nice day. 

Comment Ocean water solution for California ? (Score -1) 332

Most certainly:

1) You pimp peons pad're? If not, then drive all border-jumping, narco.MEX wetbakkks (7,000,000) into the sea. Lots of spare drinking water then for a robust Anglo culture.

2) Feed Wilsonesque Gaia-blojobbing emotocents to the white pointers gaily swimming about seaside Esalen Institute --- fruits and nuts are so yum to the piscatorial taste-bud system. Make Gub'nor Brownstreak 1st !

3) Force La. chotoz  and baby.momaz to eat their own sewage instead of piping it into sea-lanes meant for tuna and salmon.   

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