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Comment soprano work-alike (Score -1) 158

1) Enron power-pimp:  steal  electric energy from orphanages and food cooperatives and re-sell at double-rate to SanJose hot-tub  krak-smokers.
2) narco.MEX drug transportation:  design underground steam-powered trains to  efficiently transport drugs across the  Texas/Mex border . Side-task to ensure random spacing to human cocaine mules trekking  del-norte the NewMexico mountains.
3)  Election  re-normalizer: just like Quantum mechanics ---  reprogram election results to pimp DemoRat  vote-herded illegals ( virtual voters) onto Chicago, Baltimore  and Oakland election results.

Knock 'em dead, codeboiz and gawdsakes get that  leaky Starbucks coffee-mug off my copy of Atlas Shrugged! 

Comment Bantu stone-chippers don't serve GOOGLE (Score -1) 593

Bantu mean IQ = 80 and the distribution exhibits no **long tail** of exceptional smarts.  Those are stone-chipper numbers from the Neolith. Janeette-da-krak-hoe and Action Jackson are just plain stupid and have nothing  technical to contribute.  How many of such a  dis-functional population would you EXPECT to appear in a maths/logic heavy IT industry??   GOOGLE has been lucky to avoid them. Chances are only affirmative action keeps the employment number above 0.0001%! SGI hired a few  Bantu in-the-day and they were lead anchors not sails! 

Comment Never ads, but .... (Score -1) 195

Just so happens my Hanns-G 28" monitor went tits-up, and I'm actively searching RIGHT NOW  for a replacement. Boy-oh-boy would I appreciate for a couple weeks the most-damn clever search algorythm scouring the WWW for me and identiying ( negotiating ??!! )  high value & too-clever choices for that replacement  monitor.  Motif leans toward a real pal-in-the-business,  or a mans' man .. a butler ... something appropriately 19th Century that knows its place as well as knowing job.

Mebby  images/factoids would  be presented in the FFox tab-tiles !!!
Now ... after I buy I'd want those clever ads begone!  Ads just vanish  without excessive prompting. How to do that product display in a robust non-advisarial context is the question.   

Comment Soros pimp delivers (Score -1) 566

You wanted a  Soros Bantu bytch POTUS  .... you got a  Soros pimped Bantu bytch.  Both baby-mamaz and cosmopolitan globalists get paid-off  in kind ...  krak-pipes for one,  republican cultural dilution & slave-labor for the other.  American  citizen workers  get screwed.  Nice work palsy .... when it's payback time.

Comment My list of bookmarks (Score -1) 688

Let's hope the FFox devs remember that **my browser** is simply my list of bookmarks , a "wgets" and  "put-pixel" loop. I expect the BOOKMARKS/BOOKMARK THIS PAGE  Janus-button to be 2" in diameter, 50% seethru  and placed middle of the screen.

Can't even feckin-A FIND the bookmark button in OPERA or IE  and it's two levels down in CHROME.

Comment Forgone conclusion (Score -1) 170

The private sector  job-pimping begins long before any candidate is  chosen for a Gub'mnt position. Got to have **reliable** folks doing the peoples business.  Small fry & large-fry like  Harry Reid and Diane Feinstein. Like them! Really really like them. Feckin-A  ... arrested/tried/convicted a just citizenry would hang the lot skinned and quartered from city walls .....

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score -1) 1633

Statists were the same in 1776 as they are  now in 2014 ... POWER TO THE ELETE is their motto whether that elite be Stalinist or Falangist.  The 'tree'  ever jealous of its liberties yearns for watering. Stevens and his cosmopolitan pals are in need of a bitch-slapping and -- all else fails -- some Zatoichi justice.

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