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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 236

Capital is the retained surplus of value earned from previous economic exchange. I use productive wealth to mean the application of that capital by private industry and citizens of their own free will without interference from centralized power. It's not about government vs private industry but about centralized planning vs a free-market economy. Put the top 1,000 economists in charge of centralized planning and they will be no match for the collective intelligence of an economy whose millions of participants make self-interested, rational decisions that maximize the value they receive and guarantee the most effective use for all factors of production.

I rationalize the existing way of doing things simply because it works.

Comment Re:Such BS (Score 1) 236

That's an interesting perspective considering America was founded on the back of a tax revolt. The subsequent success of the country was built upon laissez-faire economic policy, a success so great that its momentum alone is still accruing benefits even with the progressive movement toward higher effective taxes/overhead and government involvement. If you want to persuade me otherwise you'll have to look a little deeper into history than just yesterday.

Comment Re:Good (Score 2, Insightful) 236

As of 2012, Google had 18,500 employees in the USA, with a YoY employment growth rate of 33%. The "broom closet" is reserved for countries that like to confiscate productive wealth and burn it in the most unproductive manner manner possible. If countries want some of that wealth for themselves they can change their tax policies.

Comment Re:Nuke hystyeria (Score 1) 464

"No, it also takes a seller of such weapons. And there aren't any, or we'd have been sweeping up the remains of some city, political center, or major chunk of infrastructure by now."

So because to our knowledge nobody has ever sold a rogue nuclear weapon to someone in the past that means it will never happen in the future? And you can leave out the government propaganda nonsense - I don't believe in government any more than you do.

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