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Comment Re: AH, the good old days (Score 2) 100

In older times companies were proud of their real leaders (NOT referring to management necessarily). That included engineers who had major accomplishments and who had earned respect for a lifetime of work. Those are the kind of people who could make such a joke and client's customers would know it was that person's joke, because they trusted that leader and had long success with their work.

Now companies only brag about their C?O people, everyone else is nameless faceless disposable droid

Comment wimpy talk (Score 4, Insightful) 187

it's just an engineering challenge. in the late 19th century, people would have scoffed at the idea of an electrical device with over 4 billion components in a few square centimeters that was mass produced.

Or imagine the most esteemed scientist of that day being told that a 200 meter long submarine vessel with a crew of 150 could be made with a power plant that only needed refueling every fifteen years, and that it could go for months underwater without surfacing, with weapons sufficient to destroy dozens of large cities.

Comment Re:I'm not complaining (Score 1) 75

What foolish world do you live in where a global company with ad-based revenue has to support a niche project that flopped without large user base? They ARE thinking of the majority of users, their survival depends on it. Of course they cull the flops as they well should. There is no question of right or wrong, ethics or any other bullshit you seem to imply for their gratis services.

Your happy flying unicorn world only exists between your ears, no one has to abide by it

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