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Comment Re:Systemd appears to me like the Dolphin of init. (Score 1) 581

systemd is not simple to use, it is a bloated sprawling nightmare of complexity.

there are better looking alternatives for parallel startup and monitoring/restart (when desirable), too bad developer mindshare couldn't have gone toward sane alternatives that have simple modular building blocks which is the Unix way

Comment schools get too much money for shiny (Score 0) 107

The biggest problem with most public schools is lack of focus on the basics of speaking, writing, math, history and science. None of those even require a computer or internet connectivity. Children can get their office droid skills later, and even IT skills later if they choose that career path.

Comment Re:About as little as... (Score 3) 215

Systems architectects are a real profession and are not software developers. Also, there is a kind of software development that IS engineering, such as the type Linux kernel or BSD or Apache server project team does. That includes design, source control, testing, and QA processes. It is much more than just development.

Comment Re:Opposition is from a small elite (Score 4, Insightful) 550

Lets say you have a laptop that is on one network and goes to sleep when you close it and arrives in a hotel room on another network? How would you do this with init without some serious hacks?

You don't, you open your laptop in the hotel room and select the new network. Was that so hard? why in the hell do you think the init system should be involved? You do show what's wrong with the systemd design philosophy, that's for sure. I'm glad one of the crappers of needless complexity has resigned. One down and a few more to go, and maybe Debian will be a good distro again....

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