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Comment Infinite vulnerabilities (Score 1) 235

I see a lot of objections to the word "infinite" being bandied about.

Bugs are fixed by software developers. And software developers introduced the bugs, unwittingly, into the original code in the first place. Some of the bug-fixes will introduce further unforeseen vulnerabilities. So it's quite probable that the true number of vulnerabilities in a system fluctuates, increases at times, and may only reach zero after an infinite amount of time. The assumption that there is a set of vulnerabilities in a system and this set can be reduced to zero by systematically finding and fixing them all one-by-one is clearly overly simplistic. Add software upgrades into the mix, and I think it's safe to assume that all software is buggy all the time.

Comment Re:Cloud formation albedo (Score 1) 378

Awesome post, chapeau sir. I fear there is much correctness in your predictions, there is a feral and ferocious future awaiting us potentially, or is it almost certainly? But I don't know if there will be an energy solution available to power this strip mining and these underwater cities. Possibly, but also very possibly humans will end up back burning firewood and staring up at the night sky in impotent maudlin despair.

Comment Re:Brits obey speed limits? (Score 1) 278

Speed limit is 70mph on motorways. I read somewhere, a few years ago mind, that the _average_ non-HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) speed was around 80mph. It's not a rule that is particularly vigorously enforced. Over 100mph may get more attention and generally results in loss of licence for a period if prosecuted.

Comment Re:Good advertising? (Score 5, Insightful) 324

Or one day, amazon will be all that's left. You want that? I agree that many small businesses are badly run, and often can't or don't get the service right, but if you end up with only one or two massive impersonal players, you will regret it. That means, noiw, today even, making a choice to stop that happening by buying from the small guys even if that means paying a couple of dollars more.

Comment Re:Good advertising? (Score 1) 324

(the same stand may push me to stop buying from Amazon some time soon).

Good. Don't know why, really, but I think that's a good plan. Otherwise, we'll wake up one day going wtf just happened.

Plus, the price differences are so negligible it hardly matters. Support the good guys, whomsoever you perceive them to be. Don't be a slave to tiny dollar differences.

Comment Re:Heat wave discouraged exercise? (Score 1) 304

Honest post I feel. I salute that. But 2 km walking isn't enough really, you need more calorie burn and less calorie intake. If you are going to rely on the 2k walk, walk hard! And just don't eat, if possible. Then eat meagrely when you have to. Don't accept your current physique. Just don't.

Comment Re:It's because Being Geeky isn't cool (Score 1) 445

SOME programmers walk around in the "10 types of people" t-shirt and what-not. They are actually hyper-competitive and offensive people in my experience. They alienate men too. Myself, I wasn't really an outcast as you put it. But I could and do appreciate the astounding edifice we are standing on and I was amazed as a child by the various computers I encountered as they appeared in my lives. I wanted, instinctively, to understand how they worked and how to control them if possible, like any machine or system I come across.

But yet, the computer has never really done what I have told it to do. The normal result, of course, is that the program immediately blows up on the next line of code. Sometimes it works; and that is the reward, the micro-reward who's puirsuit I suspect defines a programmer. Sometimes, so rarely, the project bug list is actually emptied. Troubleshooting and debugging code is what makes it hard, tiring work. But the rewards are intellectually satisfying, like solving cryptic crossword puzzles, even if it's as ephemeral as cocaine.

I am sure it's environmental, the actual work involved can be done by woman as easily and proficiently as men. We just have to kill all the nerds first.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 211

I would assume so too. I once got involved in a C++ product that was licensed to oil companies for c. $10,000 a year. It had a 10,000 line main(). The owner wrote it at university while learning C++ on his course. Incredibly shoddy, unstructured code, but it works, and he's rich.

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