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Comment back in the early days... (Score 1) 513

Back in the mid 1990s, I knew a fellow student in my CS classes that worked at Best Buy. One of them was telling a story to the class about how Best Buy was marketing power strips as Windows 95 compatible. We were all rolling in our seats laughing. It seemed so ludicrous that anyone would believe that a simple run-of-the-mill power strip cared what was plugged into it and yet the student said they were flying off the shelves compared to other power strips. All we could do was shake our heads.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 5, Informative) 229

Not exactly. This was a state law that was struck down...Not a federal one. It sounds (I haven't read the ruling) like it was a proper ruling but it does nothing to curb the federal government...only state governments.

That said, I agree that the federal government has gotten away w/ far too much for far too long by claiming all kinds of powers under the commerce clause. No doubt about it.

Comment Re:EAT IT, Thomas! (Score 1) 166

Sadly, there is an award named after Edison and he gets all the attention in schoolbooks. Seems Edison's slow, amateur progress from a telegraph addict to inventing one of the least efficient light sources known to man is preferable to teaching about the 'madman' who repeatedly did the 'impossible' and established the technological foundation for the majority of modern age.

Probably just a bunch of teachers scared about what the middle-school science fairs would look like if Tesla had been part of the lesson plan...

Dude did invent quite a few things. He *does* deserve mention as a great inventor. You're right that Tesla is under-appreciated but that's no reason to beat down Edison.

Comment Re:Garmin lobbyists (Score 1) 516

I also stuff it in the cup holder and just listen to the auditory commands, if I'm using it for navigation. The screen *is* a distraction. If I want to study the route, I'll do it when the car isn't moving.

You're one person. Not all of us find an in-car map distracting. You don't want to use one, that's your choice. Don't force the rest of us to lose something we find very useful.

Comment Re:Too long? (Score 1) 290

Apple's products, especially accessories, are cheap crap and IMO designed that way in order to force the consumer to buy replacements. What other excuse can they possibly have other than greed for having non-standard video out ports on laptops requiring an adapter w/ a flimsy cord and that costs at least $30 to buy(probably 30 to make) to display the output. Their charger cords fail constantly also and they will make any excuse not to cover these things under warranty.

Comment Re:Hypocrisy much? (Score -1, Troll) 214

Isn't this what the MPAA and RIAA have been trying to do with SOPA/PIPA and all these other bills? I guess it's only ok when they do it though.

Well said! Just like all the crap being pulled by Democrats/Leftists in Congress and the White House is the same crap they said the GOP should burn in hell for. The difference being that the Democrats own print and TV media so they stay quiet when the Dems do it.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 498

I was pulled over on suspicion of DUI when I had not been drinking at all (I don't drink at all except for on very rare occasion...this was not one of them). The officer could see very quickly that I was not at all intoxicated and let me go. What he said led him to pull me over was what he described as erratic driving and when I explained that I was brand new to that area and had been given incorrect directions (it was also at night) to pick up a relative, that was the end of it.

I am not in favor of laws that try to preemptively prevent other crimes. If you hurt someone, then you should get charged w/ a crime...not before. Seat belts, DUI, cell phones...it's all the same. The government has no business telling people how to live their lives. They should only interfere if you cause harm to another person.

I will also say that I am lucky to live in an area that does not have mandatory DUI checkpoints.

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