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Comment TFA's a bit long - can't find ref to passport! (Score 1) 71

TFA is kind of long, so I will concede that on this one occasion, I may have merely skimmed it's content. However, as a gesture of good-will, I shall read the *next* TFA in it's entirety, *twice*.

Anyway, from my brief skimmage, I could find no mention of passports or driving licences. Does anyone know what the summary is referring to?

Comment Re:In other words (Score 3, Informative) 111

Yeah, looks like a lot of registrars are price gouging - according to Nominet, the wholesale price is the same. And definitely don't ever use 123Reg because they'll even charge you to switch. Fuckers!

The only registrar I've found thus-far with the same price for and .uk is Mythic Beasts although they're a bit pricey unless you're registering for 10 years. don't appear to have .uk pricing yet unless I'm missing something!

Comment Re:What about the dud that came up with fire? (Score 1) 231

Okay, so he did do the water-into-wine thing... that was pretty cool. But apart from that, what did Jesus Christ ever do for us?

Fire on the other hand... fire is a totally useful every day thing. No party trick. A proper *thing* that you can properly use. I mean, if JC had actually bothered to tell just one of his disciples how the fuck he that trick, then I might be impressed. As it is... it was just a cheap trick to make himself popular.

That said... it worked, so I'll give him top marks for marketing!

Comment Re:but..but.. (Score 1) 250

Personally, I find other things far more of a deterrent than greasy hair and kronik BO: she looks too much like my sister... and the laptop's fisheye lens and that deathly pallor from the LED display aren't helping her prospects, either.

Dating advice for girls on /. - I never thought I'd see the day.... ;)

Comment Re:American Date Format (Score 1) 134

The problem I have with the US date format is simply that it's often ambiguous when used on the internet - it being international and all.

The way people "say" dates is fine, so if someone likes "May 10th" or "10th of May", I'm easy - there's no ambiguity. But writing 05/10/2014 on a website is a bit crap because it is ambiguous. Either go with writing the month name or 3-letter abbrev. or go with ISO format 2014-05-10 - you're still allowed to say it in whatever order you like! So when I read an ISO format date, in my head, I'm not saying "twenty-fourteen oh-five ten" - I still read it as 10th of May.

Comment Re:Apache is dying... (Score 5, Informative) 102

The other graphs on Netcraft pretty much answer this:

Web server developers: Market share of active sites = looks like MS is on a slight downward trend.

Web server developers: Market share of the top million busiest sites = looks like MS is on a slight downward trend.

And in both of those graphs, Apache is far and away holding the biggest share, *and* Nginx is ahead of MS. But let's face it, we all knew that anyway.

Comment Re:That's smart (Score 1) 179

As far as I've seen, Apple hasn't released any statements to that effect. The stated reason the last two big security patches were not made available to 10.6 Snow Leopard is because the problems they were patching were introduced in 10.7 Lion.

I don't think Apples vague maybe/maybe-not support policies really help much.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
