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Comment Re:Solar Panels (Score 1) 317

even at the 18% of most panels today with the battery you could substantially extend the battery life of a laptop.

Cars don't need 130bhp. The avg car can cruise down the highway at 60 on 12-15bhp just fine some even less.
So with a roof full of panels on a min van or station wagon. I bet you could use with only an occasional recharge.

Would need better software and and lighter materials and for people to accept them. But come on most of drive the car some where then park it for hours then go back.
I bet it is doable.

Comment 100 million line of code total BS (Score 1) 750

I find it very unlikely any car has more than about 5k lines of code. Probably more like 1k We are not talking Rocket Science here the engine only track about 40 parameters. I had an extra ECM for my 2001 Chrysler Concord it only had a 2k rom in it. The BCM and TCM probably even less.
Most cars all run the same software anyway.

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