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Comment Edge Mobile is obnoxious (Score 5, Informative) 43

Edge Mobile will randomly pop up a Copilot prompt window over its navigation controls. You can't go back or navigate away without first clicking on Copilot, letting it open up its full-screen prompt that begins a chat, and then closing it.

In the past couple years, the Windows/Edge team has slipped into crazy with awful dark patterns and profit-driven features nobody asked for.

It's like you can see Azure, Office, and Xbox are printing money with predictable recurring subscriptions and Windows is struggling to find a way to demonstrate the same importance and value contribution it once had.

Comment Was that the goal? (Score 5, Insightful) 28

The goal of r/WallStreetBets back then was to screw over professional investors on Wall Street and make them lose money for betting against certain companies.

Nice framing them as a bunch of troublemakers "sticking it to the man" instead of as people just playing the market opportunistically like everyone else. The pros are just mad that it worked.

Comment A little confused at the demo (Score 1) 34

The very first video they show says that SDR content has gray blacks. Huh? SDR black is just as black as HDR. Maybe they are identifying content with incorrectly re-encoded black levels? The sample video looked like they took a game trying to be foggy and atmospheric and ran it through a contrast filter. If it's doing that, I certainly don't want it. This is framerate interpolation all over again, and we'll have a "Directors against you AI fucks messing with my color grading" campaign from Chris Nolan and James Cameron in a few years.

Comment Re:Modern "news" is nothing but opinion pieces. (Score 1) 108

I've started trying out Ground News to help with this.

Take an article from any popular news site, punch it in, and it'll show you a full spectrum of news articles on the story.

Its bias distribution show me who an article is trying to influence, or relevant to: is the story on neutral news sites, is it on "sane" partisan sites of equal proportion, is it mainly on extremist sites, etc.

It fact checks articles and tells me if they are written by private interests versus an actual reporter. And for when I feel it's time to do some deeper research and inform my own opinion, I can still go and read all the articles.

Comment Re:Don't assume we can re-skill (Score 1) 53

I think he's right --- re-skilling isn't the answer it has been in the past.

AI, today, is at a point where everyone should be adding it as another tool in their belt.

AI, tomorrow, is going to replace significant enough chunks of your labor. You won't be taking a continuing education class like doctors take, but instead more akin to a career switch as you fundamentally change the part of the problem you're tackling.

But even that bold career switch isn't going to be a great answer, because your new job might be replaced just a few years later. It feels very challenging to predict what roles AI will make obsolete, and it's going to move quicker than a 4-year degree.

Comment Re:Included Eyeball Upgrade? (Score 1) 95

This is a misunderstanding.

Lets split this into two things: can you see the difference, and does it make you a better player.

I moved from 60Hz -> 85Hz -> 144Hz -> 280Hz and each time, I could see the difference. I know everyone on here is a contrarian, so let me expand. 280Hz is just a nicer experience to me: everything is very fluid feeling, there are fewer artifacts.

You can see a difference because your eyes are an additive input device and games can only render instants in time. You can't identify individual frames at that pace, but you will see all of the motion data as a blur that'll be a lot smoother than 60Hz would provide.

Movies get less benefit from high frame rate because a frame doesn't record an instant, it records a period (shutter speed). This encodes a lot of correct motion data into the frames themselves. I think this is part of where the 60Hz myth came from. But, the benefit is still there even then.

Okay, so you can see the difference. But does it make you a better player?

So long as you can manage it without large input latency (some games will try to render ahead -- big no-no), up to about 120Hz I think it does explicitly but only slightly make you a better player. Beyond that, I bet some esports pros could make some use of it but for normal people, it's all about the smoothness quality.

It really does provide a benefit, as a lifelong gamer there's been nothing quite like switching to modern OLED which has input latency that rivals or beats CRTs, framerates that rival LCDs without smearing, and image quality that beats them all.

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