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Comment Re:Death by Manual (Score 2) 194


I can't believe I just read that. New debugging cycle including your code might not work because the compiler doesn't like you that day? I felt like that when i was learning to code in C honestly but I'm sure it was rarely true ;-)

A non-deterministic compiler can suck my big fat one and go far far away before the dribble drops.

Comment Re:Who is this for? (Score 3, Insightful) 110

It's called a philosophy change. We've been living under the current regime of minimal service just barely eeked up every few years always far behind what was capable and being told to take it or leave it (with no real option to leave to).

This is a company giving us far more than we need or want for a fairly reasonable cost. Yes most of their customers won't use that (or buy that... $400 a month is a bit pricy for your average home's internet needs) but compared to the Comcast/CenturyLink habits of overselling oversubscribed lines with not enough bandwidth for too much money and I'll take it!

My only complaint is they are staying south of Downtown. I live in NE Minneapolis and, at the moment, can't even get the CenturyLink service I used to have in South (I had 40/20 and now am relegated to 12M/860K... the DL is ok but that upload is *painful*)


Comment Re:more NOS and less lense flare (Score 4, Insightful) 332

Honestly considering it alone without the history I don't mind Into Darkness. I like the new cast (minus old Spock... his "insertion" was of the worst forced kind) and I like JJ's style lens flares and all.

I was completely pissed off when it was clear they were bringing Khan back.

Wrath Of Khan is one of the best movies ever made, period. For Abrams / whomever chose the script tried to piggy back on that it was a clear statement that they couldn't move forward on their own and had to try to steal from / recreate a cinematic masterpiece. Rebooting the series does NOT mean you have to steal from it. Write your own damn stories please!

Comment Re:not original (Score 2) 190

*THIS* ^^^^

I've rarely experienced supply and demand so exquisitely demonstrated than when purchasing (or selling) concert tickets. Variable demand spikes depending on the quality of the merchandise (how 'big' is the band); Prices change constantly; inventory moves in and out of the market; Complex timeline price variations starting from pre-sale through on-sale and over the time between release and showtime (somewhat but not always predictable rises and falls over that time). It's a full time job keeping up with all of that on both sides making sure you get the most for the tickets you are selling and paying the least for the tickets you are buying.

I am a music junkie not a scalper but honestly if Ticketmaster/Live Nation were to profile its customer base I'd be in the suspect category just because I spend 250+ nights a year at some show or another and my friends are lazy/poor so my rate of ticket buying is exceptional for a casual user.

Comment Re:Who will get (Score 2) 360

IF they are the perpetrators of the hack (seeing as they're claiming they were framed) and IF the U.S. is responsible for this attack (I seem to recall Anonymous threatening to do just such a thing just yesterday, right?) then the level of retribution is not to balance out the corporate hack but rather the threats made toward civilian targets if the movie were to be released.

The hammer of US reaction to any threats of terrorism predictably treats everything as a nail.

That being said I'm pretty at least one of my parentheticals is right... you can guess which one.

Comment Re:Does the job still get done? (Score 2) 688

Maybe a clear distinction of wants vs. needs? Take the Star Trek example: Energy and Food and Housing seem to be pretty much "free". You need to live? You can sit on your ass all day and live all you want. Transportation is also free so you can travel and see stuff and live and also do no "work".

BUT If you want to do anything more interesting then either you're signing up for Star Fleet (military) or you're doing something more interesting "of value" that affords you the resources to do that.

It's a radical shift in how the world works but I think it is a feasible destination even if the journey isn't realistically possible given the current state of human nature. I would like to get past the point that my *survival is dependent on performing some task for some other person for currency.

Comment Re:Fire all the officers? (Score 1) 515

Yes. Until the police face "real" consequences for violating our rights and the rules (theirs and ours) then what justification do they have for not continuing to act as they please?

I live in Minneapolis where several settlements amounting to Millions of dollars of taxpayer money have gone to people our police force have inappropriately dealt with. We've had gang and drug task forces basically running a racket stealing goods from law abiding citizens for their own use. "We no knock raided your home because some junkie said you were dealing. Sorry you're innocent and we destroyed or confiscated all of your stuff but also sorry you can't do anything about it!"

We're rolling out a pilot lapel camera program that will hopefully spread to the rest of the force but honestly it's hard for me to believe our prosecutors will actually do anything meaningful *criminally with the additional evidence. Protect their own has gotten comical in its abuse.

I feel the same way about this as "Support The Troops".

"Support The Troops" BUT not the ones who are raping their fellow soldiers and committing atrocities in service.

"Support The Police" Their jobs are hard too BUT have zero tolerance for those who abuse their power and cause harm to the people they are charged with protecting.

Those with power should be held to the highest standards.

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