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Comment Re: what price increases? (Score 1) 424

What was the Blu Ray scam? I'm not aware of this.

I've lived through the VHS, DVD and Blu Ray eras and each technology has significantly higher quality than the last. These days I tend to download my movies for free instead of buying the Blu Ray and when I do I always look for the highest quality 1080p version because it is so much higher quality than even upscaled DVD versions.

Comment Re:bad engineering? (Score 1) 526

In short, VLC is not the problem here. It is the idiot user expecting to be able to turn everything up to 11 and not damage something on a shitty Dell laptop.

If I buy an electronic item and use it in accordance with the instructions, then I expect it to work in line with my expectations.

Does this make me an idiot user?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 2219

I just wanted to say thanks for signposting AvantSlash, it looks interesting.

I really dislike the mobile interface and the classic interface on mobile is unusable because I have to scroll right and left to actually read anything.

When I get some spare time to set it up I'll give it a try.

Comment Re:Well.... (Score 1) 249

When I built my new PC I had the choice of which Windows version to install on it. I've used Windows 7 in the past and have Windows 8 on my work laptop.

So I went with 8.1 through choice. I *like* the Start screen, it's much more visual than previous incarnations of the start menu. Can't say I'm too bothered with the live tiles on a desktop machine, and still don't get the point of the charms bar. As an overall OS however, when taking into account the Start screen and the Explorer ribbon UI, I would choose it every time over previous versions of Windows.

Comment Re:Lesson from this story...don't be a glass hole! (Score 1) 1034

It isn't the responsibility of those with disabilities (such as poor eyesight) to adapt. It is the responsibility of organisations to make adjustments for us.

If I can afford $1500 for Google Glasses, then it probably means I don't have any budget left for a spare pair of "normal" glasses. If you want to comply with your obligations under the various disability discrimination laws, then you better be prepared to provide me with a suitable pair of glasses which match my prescription. Otherwise I will be wearing my Google Glasses.

Comment Re:When will companies be held liable? (Score 1) 137

My main reason for using the Starbucks app is so that I don't have yet another card taking up space in my wallet (by using a Starbucks card you get a free drink every so often, as well as eligibility for gold membership which gives you free syrups and extra shots).

More importantly though, why do you think this only affected two people? Even computer novices know how to use a smartphone and I think you would be surprised at how often I see some old geezer using an app to pay for something or check in somewhere.

Comment Re:Warning to the EU, from Canada (Score 1) 154

But as they say, "Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice."

I suspect this was probably aimed at Government representatives & bodies, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

I would argue that this equally applies to the lazy citizens who jump on a bandwagon and send a template letter because someone shared a link with them on Facebook. If the citizens really cared about the issues at hand then they should be competent enough to research the issues at hand and put it into their own words.

Comment Re:#1 Should Be (Score 1) 310

The cloud? Again?? How about a local backup, you know, that doesn't require you to upload everything you have to some unknown host? /quote.

I hear local backups aren't very resilient when your house burns down or gets burglarized.

Comment Re:Slashdot (Score 2) 310

(2) Save files to a folder that is automatically mirrored to the cloud, for effortless backups.
    - No, never trust cloud services for backups. Never trust cloud services period the only reason to use them is convenience

What would be your recommendation to a non-techie person if they want to make sure they don't lose their digital photographs in a fire?

Comment Re:They go Linux. (Score 1) 564

I'd be interested to see what the volume looks like rather than just the sales position, particularly as most of the other entries in the top 10 are comprised of Lenovo laptops and not Dell or Apple laptops (which make up the majority of devices I see in the wild)

It could just be that Amazon is the most convenient place for people to buy a Chromebook, whereas the vast majority of people who buy a Dell or Apple machine will purchase it direct from the manufacturer.

Comment Re:that doesn't seem too unreasonable (Score 1) 236

I don't think it is a sensible idea though.

Let's say there are a lot of Italian businesses selling to people overseas via the internet. Forcing them to pay tax in the location of the customer means they need to be compliant with the tax codes of all the nations they sell to, so that they can pay corporation tax. Instead of coming up with a singular profit/loss figure, they need to work out profit for each country they sell to so that they can sell an appropriate amount of tax to each country's tax service.

Seems rather onerous and potential devastating for the economy.

Comment Re:Slashdot being a prime example of bad (Score 1) 382

If I visit a site on my phone or tablet intending to buy something and the site doesn't work for me, I will go to another online shop whose site does work on my chosen device. As a customer, all I know is that Joe's Widget Store works on mobile Safari whereas Jack's Widget Store does not.

Developers, suits and designers should meet to their customers needs and wants (obviously within reason) because the customers are the ones who have an interest in buying your product. There was a recent news article (Black Friday I think) which showed that iPhone/iPad customers spent the most money via mobile shopping. Do you really want to alienate such a large potential customer base because you think it isn't your fault?

(Note: I would argue that failing to test your site in the most common web browsers, and modify the code to correct any weird stuff, probably is your fault).

Comment Re:As an organiser of events. (Score 1) 469

All a business has to do is deny entry to "all those wearing recording devices." If the Google Glass users are too fucking stupid to leave their recording devices at home, then the problem is of their own making - it's not a discriminatory practice.

It becomes a discriminatory practice when the rule is not waived for those who need prescription glasses to manage their disability. Your alternative, of course, is to provide standard glasses with the appropriate prescription strength to those who require them.

Try putting up a sign in your business denying entry to all those in wheelchairs and see how far you get.

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