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Comment Re:Aren't those guys rocket scientists? (Score 1) 54

Not saying I'm representative of the whole group, but I'm a rocket scientist, and I'm pretty pants at information security.

Getting them up there and not having them fall down is not half bad. I still try to keep my kerbals from blowing up. But seriously, at least accept that info-sec is important. There might be a business case in not being totally p0wnd.

Comment Loots of good stuff out there (Score 2) 197

This is all Python centric but that's where the jazz is these days:

  1. Codecademy. My 12 year old son just passed it.
  2. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python ( Games and great fun. Also in python.
  3. Do all of their software subjects. Just ditch the Java stuff. The 90's are long gone.

I've got a 15 year old masters in CS but I went through the coursera and udacity stuff and learned quite a lot along the way. Good stuff.

Comment Re:Should be Alternative Language Requirement (Score 4, Insightful) 426

Why is there a foreign language requirement anyway?

Yesterday, my best friend spoke to an american supplier and told them that he wanted the goods shipped to Europe. Not some weird, small country but Europe. The supplier asked where Europe was in the US.

I think You guys could do with a foreign langue or two. Not to mention geography...

Comment Solitary confinement is standard practice (Score 5, Interesting) 127

If you and a mate steals a couple of bicycles, only you get nicked and don't rat on the mate immediately then it's solitary for you pal.

Standard practice in Denmark and it's a fucking disgrace. Amnesty International have been all over this for years but without any results. Makes us look like a bunch of savages.

Comment Re:And they called me crazy (Score 1) 221

So in short, you can't use /dev/random, you can't use pretty much any commercial random number generator. You'd have to roll your own and show that your bias is small enough for no attack to be practical. Like I said, it's harder than it looks.

Use a radioactive source and measure the decay. That is truly random.

Comment Re:Ungrateful krauts (Score 1) 606

As an example case, I recently heard about a friend-of-a-friend who lives in Denmark (I think), and got free education, healthcare, and various other support services while he was a student. After entering the work force as an engineer, he now makes enough to live comfortably while gladly paying 60% in taxes.

60% sounds a bit high but it's in the ballpark. The important point is to add up the total cost that an american would have to pay in order to get the same benefits. If You do the math then the tax doesn't seem particular high in comparison. But it's still the Danish national sport to complain about it.

Comment Re:Lucky Ducky (Score 2) 192

Solitary confinement in a Danish prison - doesn't that just mean he gets the jacuzzi all to himself?

The danish arrest house I walked past today is so ancient and run down that he's likely to get a shower in his cell whenever it's raining. At this time of year it's going to be a really cold shower.

The thing we have going with solitary confinement is a disgrace. Solitary confinement for months is standard procedure for anything above shoplifting.

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