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Comment depends (Score 1) 166

I think it depends on a number of factors such as the one giving the lecture, the material covered by the lecture, the environment in which the lecture is given, and the one receiving the lecture.

I've had classes in the past that...well...the room was just not that comfortable to listen to a lecture (it was a 3hr class in a slightly overcrowded/warm room in the evening and it was a boring biology class; insta-sleep time).

I've also had classes where the lecturers (this particular class had 3 different professors; it was an American Studies/history class) all give lectures which were material to the class and were on the exams.
Oddly, I found the lectures interesting and was able to absorb the information better than my other classmates who took notes (I did not take notes and according to the professors, the first ever to do so and get a decent grade).

Then I've had classes where the hands-on part was more interesting such as physics with lasers (sadly, there were no sharks).

In essence, a YMMV situation.

Comment crysis? (Score 0) 209

but will it play Crysis?

that said, what sort of memory (short-term storage) is used? Would that be the current bottleneck?
It would definitely be interesting to see how this continues to develop.
It might be too late for bitcoins but perhaps one of the altcoins can benefit.
Or for weather prediction/modeling.

Then again, the dark side comes to mind to (skynet, SID 6.7, etc.)


Creationists Demand Equal Airtime With 'Cosmos' 667

Hugh Pickens DOT Com (2995471) writes "Travis Gettys reports that creationist Danny Falkner appeared Thursday on "The Janet Mefford Show" to complain that the Fox television series and its host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, had marginalized those with dissenting views on accepted scientific truths. "I don't recall seeing any interviews with people – that may yet come – but it's based upon the narration from the host and then various types of little video clips of various things, cartoons and things like that," said Falkner of Answers In Genesis who also complained that Tyson showed life arose from simple organic compounds without mentioning that some believe that's not possible. "I was struck in the first episode where he talked about science and how, you know, all ideas are discussed, you know, everything is up for discussion – it's all on the table – and I thought to myself, 'No, consideration of special creation is definitely not open for discussion, it would seem." To be fair, there aren't a ton of shows on TV specifically about creationism says William Hamby. "However, there are entire networks devoted to Christianity, and legions of preachers with all the airtime they need to denounce evolution. Oh, and there was that major movie from a few years back. And there's a giant tax-payer subsidized theme park in Kentucky. And the movie about Noah. And entire catalogs of creationist movies and textbooks you can own for the low low price of $13.92.""

Comment Re:From the actuall trademark document (Score 1) 653

this IS from one of the sub-departments of DHS; I'm not surprised that they didn't really bother to read the line that says "Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark."

Customs agents aren't lawyers, let alone trademark lawyers or even paralegals.

This just highlights the need for adding an appeals process to the whole thing.
(that and perhaps ICE needs some basic legalese comprehension requirements for their agents)

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