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Comment Re:I had the very first issue (Score 1) 78

Oh man, yeah I got a subscription in the early 90's and was so very excited every month when it came. Kids my age had a collective shitting of bricks when the SNES came out and promptly developed some Nintendo thumb. It was a great magazine, but I have no idea what happened to it after the 90's.. I suppose that other company bought it?

Comment re: Sonic.net (Score 1) 190

I've lived near Santa Rosa, the location of Sonic.net's HQ for my whole life. When I started using the internet in 1997 they were there with local dialup and a free linux shell to all subscribers. They've been nothing but incredible since then and I'm very glad to see Dane in the headlines once again. Kudos to you Dane!

Comment re: Sonic (Score 1) 113

I used Sonic.net from the first year they opened until about 2006 when I had to move out of their service area. I had the pleasure of working in their data center several times whilst working for a local peak oil think tank. Although many things can (and are) be said about the owner, Dane Jasper, he has created the best "mom & pop" ISP in California hands down. The support is amazing, they have a variety of different broadband products, including fiber in some areas (you may remember an article recently about their fiber installs if you're a Norcal native). On top of all this.... they're the highest rated for privacy by the EFF.

If you live in the area and you're not a Sonic customer yet, maybe you should think about it :) No, I don't work for them, sadly I was passed by every time I applied for their support team. They have an arcade in the office too!

Comment Re:The Onion Router (Score 1) 216

TOR is The Onion Router, it routes you around using other hosts on the TOR network. It's very slow and you really don't know who's running the exit nodes, best to stay away from it. If you don't want your traffic slowed down or possibly spied on by weirdos or the US government, check out a paid VPN service in Sweden, or any country outside the US/CAN/UK with decent privacy laws. vpntunnel.se / ibvpn.com / anonine.com / ipredator.se are all decent services to look into. Encrypted traffic, very little slow down and it's quite affordable.

Comment Re:What an elitist (Score 2) 326

"You know I've noticed a certain anti-intellectualism going around this country ever since around 1980, coincidentally enough. I was in Nashville, Tennessee last weekend and after the show I went to a waffle house and I'm sitting there and I'm eating and reading a book. I don't know anybody, I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book. This waitress comes over to me (mocks chewing gum) 'what you readin' for?'...wow, I've never been asked that; not 'What am I reading', 'What am I reading for?' Well, goddamnit, you stumped me...I guess I read for a lot of reasons — the main one is so I don't end up being a fuckin' waffle waitress. Yeah, that would be pretty high on the list. Then this trucker in the booth next to me gets up, stands over me and says [mocks Southern drawl] 'Well, looks like we got ourselves a readah'...aahh, what the fuck's goin' on? It's like I walked into a Klan rally in a Boy George costume or something. Am I stepping out of some intellectual closet here? I read, there I said it. I feel better."

-Bill Hicks

Comment dirty dealers (Score 4, Interesting) 348

Comcast has been up to no good for years. We all remember the torrent throttling and god knows what else. They need to have the thumb screws put to them so they stop trying to squeeze every penny out of every MB by throttling traffic, applying data caps and the like. I hate Comcast's business practices but they're usually pretty damn fast.... there needs to be another choice. 20% is too large for a dickweed company that pulls this bull-shlaka.

Comment they don't want that kind of info (Score 1) 568

I'd imagine it has something to do with teachers not wanting to be that transparent. They're also already under enough pressure for very little pay... of course this very well may make their jobs easier. Maybe there's a "pilot program" somewhere, where teachers are doing this, or at least using SOME tech in the classroom.

Comment re: Dane (Score 1) 243

Sonic.net was my first ISP back in '97, they offered a free shell server and happened to host the MUD I was currently addicted to. They have always been an incredible ISP and a great place to work (if I could just get in there! grr) in Sonoma county and all over California. I'm always glad to see Dane Jasper on the front page of /.

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