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Comment Re:How is this supposed to work...? (Score 1) 181

- person uses drive for copyright infringement, a civil offense
- a lawsuit is filed
- it's now a criminal offense to destroy evidence

For civil cases, police is not involved, but it's legal requirement for both parties to preserve evidence and testify truthfully. For criminal cases, you can lie/conceal all you want without additional penalty. But jury will consider how trustworthy you appear to be very heavily.

Comment Re:people mess up. Bank calls before approving $10 (Score 1) 119

He did exactly that and .gitignore was accidentally lost.

Service providers are responsible for 90% of work by designing solutions secure by default and in depth. It should take multiple explicit steps and dismissed warnings for an inexperienced developer to incur a catastrophic financial liability.

Comment We ARE using ssh and https for everything (Score 5, Interesting) 203

telnet and ftp practically died a while back, http is on the way out. In most corporate environments, other protocols such as X are local only and remote use is over ssh tunnels. IMAP/SMTP takes place over TLS when using decent providers. I guess there is a question of whether SSH and HTTPs should be merged. But a lot of work has been put in both and would be difficult to replicate and make as secure from the start. No hurry.

The only exceptions are organizations with lax security (like Sony apparently) and cases where security or integrity is completely not an issue. I guess if you broadcast a video as unencrypted UDP over a local network, that's fine.

Comment I for one welcome our new Engrish overlords! (Score 1) 578

Single world language is a great thing, and I don't care if it's Spanish, Chinese or (most likely) broken English. We will get much better science when everyone can instantly read everyone else's research. With that come huge tangible improvements to our lifestyle, like clean energy, high yield/nutrition crops and cure for cancer. Next, wide access to world news and entertainment will reduce armed conflict and increase people's demands on their own governments. Even non-political soap operas invite the question of "why the frak can't we live like this".

Once we are done with language, I think we will end racial conflict by ending race. This is well underway in SF Bay Area. Nobody under the age of 30 really cares. After a few generations of gene mixing, there will be no large homogenous groups that can gang up against others.

Oh sure, there will be holdouts. I envision pure Caucasian villages in Wyoming where conservatives can, with full public support and protection, practice their indigenous hunting, armed self protection, petrol-based lifestyle, "traditional family" culture and religion. They will probably refuse government-provided healthcare in favor of homeopathy mixed in whisky and enjoy booming trade with Amish.

Comment Horrible design on part of Amazon (Score 4, Insightful) 119

When you sign up for a developer account, you should be asked how much you plan to spend per month. $2375/day would not be a common option for an individual. Given proliferation of free 15GB storage accounts, a very low end developer account with no credit card is not a crazy option. People will learn the API and use it in future, but neither them nor hackers will have enough quota to run a production site. This is just like limited data cell plans where a single buggy app can run up crazy charges. Good that they refunded money, but fundamental structural problem must be fixed.

Comment I can't stand closed floor plans (Score 0) 420

Seriously, spending the whole day in isolation and, except for a lucky few, away from natural light is depressing. Being able to holler a joke across the hallway or look at sunshine through a shared window makes all the difference. There are always noise cancelling headphones for when you need total concentration.

Comment Suboptimal planning? (Score 1) 105

If good science would be still available after a decade (Opportunity) or many decades (Voyager), at least light components like flash and electronics in general should be designed with good degree of redundancy. Or else if the probe has a limited mission and has accomplished it, there is nothing wrong with abandoning it and focusing money and talent on new missions. Would engineers working on attempts to fix Opportunity be more useful working on newer Curiosity mission? My gut feeling is that making existing missions last longer is much more cost effective than launching new ones. But I am not a space scientist. The point is that mission planning should have clear focus one way or the other.

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