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Submission + - DST, the new Y2K for Consultants

fatalwall writes: "I work at a consultant firm that is has been looking at the Daylight Savings Time change of three weeks earlier and what updates are needed for various software. We have discovered that there is an update for Windows, Exchange, Outlook, blackberry ect. Grandly Microsoft has not provided updates through Microsoft updates for all of these. We have found various tools online that will help however we have some clients that use outlook with PST's which requires every user to run an update. The only thing I can find our people complaining they cant find a solution. How is everyone else dealing with this problem? What have you found for solutions?"

Submission + - Conservapedia - a Christian rival to Wikipedia

99luftballon writes: A rival to Wikipedia has been launched by Christian conservatives to counter left wing and anti-Christian bias in the online encyclopaedia. Conservapedia (warning site very slow, both to load and in content) seeks to address the biased Wikipedia, which uses CE rather than AD for dating (and is thus anti-Christian) and contains many pages that do not deal with Christian 'facts'. A summary of such facts include the news that atheism is responsible for bestiality, Einstein's work had nothing to do with the atom bomb and Christianity is the only religion which is based on faith. Home schooling has a lot to answer for...

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Physician: One upon whom we set our hopes when ill and our dogs when well. -- Ambrose Bierce
