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Comment Typical great government idea (Score 4, Insightful) 118

This is a typical great government idea. The really great thing about the idea is that once you deal with a zero-day vendor and buy a vulnerability, giving them a lot of money in the process, you can rest assured that they would never sell the same vulnerability to anyone else. 'cause that would be wrong.

Comment Wrong question (Score 2) 180

..."comprehensive immigration reform efforts that tie H-1B visa fees to a new STEM education fund" could be used "to support the teaching and learning of more computer science in K-12 schools,"

Translation: We'll do this and then we'll have to let more H-1B foreigners into the country to pay for it. The question isn't how many tax dollars this law will cost, it is how many American jobs it will cost and how further American technical jobs can be devalued by an in-flood of cheap foreign labor.

Comment Re:Fucking ridiculous (Score 1) 409

Actually, they are deliberately not identifying the patent. Might be a doctor. Might be a nurse. But in any case it was a missionary, someone who went to Africa to tell the people there that his or her own religious beliefs were better than those of the Africans.

I saw an interesting thing on the CBS evening news last night. One of the missionary spokespeople was telling the CBS talking head how distrustful the local people were if the doctor was wearing lots of protective clothing while treating patients. The supposed journalist just let this be stated and never questioned if the spokesperson was trying to say that they sometimes deliberately do without the protective gear to help gain the African people's trust. Apparently these missionaries believe that they should tell these people that the Christian god is better than whatever they believe in, but not bother to try to tell them that civilized science and medicine is better than jungle science.

Comment What an idiot you are (Score -1, Troll) 409

Boy, how stupid can you be. We are talking about bring over here someone who knew all of the precautions and should have been taking them himself. If it is so safe to treat this deadly incurable disease then the person would never have caught it in the first place. The very fact that this person has the disease when they knew exactly what they were dealing with and supposedly took all of the proper precautions disproves any claim of safety in bringing Ebola to this country.

Comment Re:not clear who I insulted (Score 1) 181

OK, you win. I'll admit that saying someone may eat a potato is a very derogatory thing. Just thinking of all the negative connotations that the concept of eating an over boiled spud brings to mind turns my stomach about any any false connotations people might have about a population of people on a certain Western European island. You are completely correct that any reference to a well know behavior pattern for such a group of people could in some way be derogatory. Lets just be thankful that this has now been corrected and that there are no other more negative stereotypes for this group of "people". You're welcome.

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