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Comment Re:Snapstream? (Score 1) 536

I have to chime in since I was a happy BeyondTV customer. Snapstream's interface was better than Tivo's (an WAY better than Cox Cable's POS). But that's been some time now opting simply for Zoomplayer or VLC ...I don't even have cable anymore...I no longer surf, I just wade in.

Comment Ritualized Terrorism (Score 1) 709

Every autumn we indoctrinate our children in a ritual of disguising themselves before knocking on strangers' doors and extorting confections from them on threat of vandalism. Gotta love tradition!

Comment Ecliptics? (Score 1) 251

While the ribbon's perpendicular orientation to the galactic magnetic field is interesting, I'd like to know the relative orientations of the galactic and solar system ecliptics. If for no other reason than to have a frame of reference. I'm guessing that the galactic field is roughly perpendicular to its ecliptic (right hand rule?) but not necessarily to our direction of penetration with our heliopause.

Submission + - Ubuntu with Ext3 is Faster than Windows 7 and XP (

twitter writes: "Slashdot has reported questions about the performance of Windows 7 and comparisons to Ubuntu in general tests. At the time, people claimed that XP was faster than both and that Windows 7 just needed some work. Another study now shows that Ubuntu wipes both XP and Windows 7 in a key area, file service.

Abundant performance delivered by today's quad-core processors has shifted the performance bottleneck from the CPU and memory to the disk I/O subsystem in most of day-to-day usage scenarios. ... which one of modern operating systems is capable of utilizing fast hard drives and multi-core CPUs most effectively?

In all file search, classification and storage utilization analysis operations Ubuntu is faster than both tested Windows operating systems by a huge margin. ... users and IT professionals constantly working with large amounts data should seriously consider using Ubuntu Linux as the main file and data management platform.

I doubt any of this change by the promissed October 22 release date and don't know why people still use XP."


Submission + - ISS pilots 'interplanetary internet' (

schliz writes: Researchers developing the 'Interplanetary Internet' have launched its first permanent node in Space via a payload aboard the International Space Station. The network is based on a new communications protocol called Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN). It will be tested heavily this month, and could give astronauts direct Internet access within a year.

The Interplanetary Internet is the brainchild of Vint Cerf ('father of the Internet'), among others. Last year, NASA tested the technology on the Deep Impact spacecraft.


Submission + - Cheney hid secret CIA plan from congress

tvlinux writes: Leon Panetta, head of the CIA, has accused former US Vice-President Dick Cheney of concealing an intelligence program from Congress, Senator Dianne Feinstein stated. The program was hidden from congress for 8 years and was discovered June 22 2009.

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