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Comment I think lists are an even bigger problem (Score 5, Insightful) 111

The government has shown that they are willing to use lists against people. During WW2, US citizens of Japanese and German descent were taken into internment camps using data from the Census.

Another recent debacle was when a gun owner's list got published in a major newspaper. People had their houses robbed and more firearms entered the hands of criminals.

These lists also cost money to maintain. We're pissing away billions each year on these lists which could instead go towards infrastructure maintenance which is actually vital for our nation's security.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 2) 134

Apparently it isn't harder than telling your congressmen that there is a think of the children problem to be solved. It is an easy target with which they can act like they are doing something while not actually doing anything productive.

If we took just a portion of the money spent on feel good, do nothing "think of the children" initiatives, we could probably have a nationwide roll out of gigabit fibre. Will my proposal do anything for the children? Quite possibly since there is that digital divide where some children are stuck on horrible dialup connections while others have cable or DSL, but I don't really care about that. It'll allow us to have online delivery of video games and other media in a reasonable time frame. It'll probably do wonders for our economy.

Unfortunately it isn't feel good, do nothing legislation so such an initiative will not succeed.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 57

From what I read, they'll be moving the DRAM from the circuit board and putting it on top of the GPU. This will probably mean that fewer layers will be required on the circuit board which lowers the cost of manufacturing. It will probably also mean a better watt to performance ratio.

So yes, this is a good thing. I just wish we could return to the days when a video card was solely powered by the slot it is placed in.

Comment Not if you want to win votes in the farming states (Score 5, Insightful) 419

Corn ethanol is and probably always will be a handout to the farming states. It takes more oil to grow the corn for ethanol than we save from blending ethanol into our engines.

The rest of us are screwed over by this. It would be better for the economy and the environment to just calculate out how much profit the farmers are getting and just hand out yearly checks for that amount. But that would be socialism and we can't have any of that.

Comment Re:Talking about "cult of personality" ... (Score 1) 76

Often people don't have an intelligent rebuttal to say so they fall back on ad hominems.

"How long have you been in the KKK?"
"Go back to Stormfront!"
"Go back to screwing your sister, redneck!"

It is an attempt to silence dissent. Unfortunately it works far too often.

If this doesn't work they'll resort to screaming over you and forum sliding, typically with mindless drivel.

Comment Re:Really!? (Score -1) 231

As if you haven't shown yours. You are an anti-white race traitor who celebrates the downfall of his own race. I think it wouldn't be that much of a stretch that you are looking to hasten it. Now how about you go back to whatever image board that you plaster white girl being penetrated by black men interracial porn on.

I'm sure your latest masterpiece will definitely end racism and not just infuriate white people like the last bajillion of them.

Comment Re:Really!? (Score -1, Troll) 231

bheersen, as you have made wild assumptions about me, I was able to deeply gauge your mindset just by one single line: "Straight white American males are not persecuted in any way."

This tells me a lot about you. It is often used by people who hate how awesome white people are. Skin color doesn't matter in this aspect because it is often felt by whites and so-called "minorities." You've been exposed to media all of your life saying "whites are evil and you should be ashamed of yourself because you are white." It might not be that direct but that is the general message you've been fed your entire life by people who wish to see the white race cease to exist.

We both acknowledge the barriers these other ethnicities face in achieving success. We just disagree on the source of said barriers. You blame it on white people. I blame it on their cultures and interference from a certain 1.8% of the population who tend to own all of the apartments in the areas that said minorities live in and then proceed to charge them high rent rates.

Is it so hard for you to realize that I may have encountered many other self-hating whites who've fallen hook line and sinker into the "exterminate whitey" fad? Don't worry though, I'm here to help you overcome this character flaw.

There are people in this world who are paralyzed from the neck down. Some of them it is because of their own negligence, but others because of the careless actions of a stranger. Would you paralyze yourself or others like you to lower the amount of working body privilege? Because this is essentially what you are doing when you punish the white race for paying bills on time, showing up to work on time, and generally being competent.

Comment Re:Really!? (Score -1, Flamebait) 231

Due to their melatonin deficiency, white American males are often denied places in college because their skin isn't the right color despite significantly scoring higher on SATs and having a higher grade point average than those who apparently have the right skin color.

White American males also face higher hurdles when applying for social services. Again it is because their skin isn't the right color.

White American males are often cast as the "Big Bad" in our media. If a person of color is "The Dragon" in a show it is because the "Big Bad" white guy or some other whites drove him to it.

White American males are often cast as the poster boy for gun violence and why we must supposedly give up all our guns when FBI crime statistics disagree. The occasional white who goes on a shooting rampage because of "suicide-pill" anti-depressants doesn't even come close to matching the amount of black on white violence.

There are places in America where whites can't go simply because they are white. If they do go there is a good chance they'll end up robbed, raped, and potentially murdered because they have the wrong skin color.

But then again, it is hard to see anti-white racism when you are anti-white so I'll excuse this oversight. I think grandparent has the right idea to not care about the gays while the white race is facing genocide.

Comment Re:Children will no longer need to be circumcised. (Score 1) 232

My comment isn't about abstinence but instead about not sleeping around with everything that moves. There are certain demographics that are at a higher risk of getting HIV and they all share the same damned thing in common: Lots of partners.

If I was a gay man living in a city I'd fear for my life since 1 out of 5 of them have it and half of those who do have it don't know about it. They see another gay guy they want to have sex with and go do it and damn the consequences since our healthcare system is legally bound to provide relief to them. Thousands of dollars worth of medication a week per gay guy that has found out he has HIV. All because they don't wear condoms because it slightly diminishes pleasure (though definitely not as much as circumcision does).

Want to have sex with multiple partners? Go ahead. Just make sure that they are clean and that they aren't screwing anything with or without a heartbeat. Want to shag that cute stranger? Use condoms. It isn't 100% safe but it is better than mutilating yourself.

Comment Re:Children will no longer need to be circumcised. (Score 3, Insightful) 232

I'm pretty sure those trials were ended early and the lower infection rate was mostly due to guys not engaging in sexual activities while they healed from the procedure. Afterwards they probably also noticed their sexual pleasure being reduced as the foreskin has a great deal of nerves and protects the head of the penis.

I never knew the greatness of foreskin due to doctors and my parents decided something that should have been left up to me to decide, but these guys will probably regret their decision.

So what's wrong with the tried and true method of not engaging in sexual activities with everything that moves?

Comment Re:Until... (Score 2, Insightful) 64

This condition is actually called simulator sickness and a good portion of the population suffers from it. Basically your mind thinks it has been poisoned due to the conflicting messages and tries to induce vomiting to expel your lunch to correct the problem. There is no cure for it. The only solution is to have the VR helmet also hijack the inner-ear.

Comment Re:So Proud of Gun Ownership (Score 1) 1232

Statistically a person with a mental health problem isn't more or less likely to attack you than a person without a mental health problem. Unless said person is a schizophrenic female, then the chance is doubled.

So with the one exception up above (and I haven't heard of a schizophrenic female going on a shooting spree), how is it everyone else's business?

When the government assembles databases on people, they are making what are in essence hit lists. The census was used to round up Japanese Americans and German Americans during World War 2 for a long stay at an internment camp. Freedom worries aside with said list, it also costs money to maintain these records. This money is only magically created when the Federal Reserve Bank issues it. Otherwise it comes from the taxes we pay.

In addition, with regards to that recent shooting in Newtown, the guns didn't even belong to the assailant. They belonged to his now deceased mother. Will having a mentally ill relative bar people from having guns? Because we all have at least one or two crazy relatives.

Comment Re:Shoe on the other foot (Score 0) 254

Why call them little hitlers when you can more accurately describe them as authoritative sociopaths?

When you call them Hitler, you are defining them as something not everyone agrees on. Some people think Hitler is a hero. Some think he is the greatest mass murderer ever. But assuming Hitler is guilty of every piece of war propaganda slapped on him, you are lessening his crimes by equating them to people who don't want unmarked police car photos plastered all over the Internet.

Eventually "Hitler" will lose its impact as a shaming label if it is applied to everything. I believe that it would be good for it to lose effectiveness but then people will just move on a new shaming label. Perhaps it'll be Bush or Obama.

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