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Comment Re:Not necessarily (Score -1, Flamebait) 397

Well I'm sure we can find some nice uninhabited islands somewhere far away from everyone else where Israel can build some power plants, water desalination plants, and hydroponic/aeroponic farms to feed the 13.2 million chosen in this world, far away from anyone else. They have the technology. That way they'll be able to see missiles coming from far away and they can shoot them down without violating the airspace of neighboring countries.

I don't care if Ancient Israel was where they claim it is now. All I know is that placing a jewish population in such a hostile place just because of some holy scriptures is extremely stupid.

If one reads a few pages into Mein Kampf (I got bored after a few), right away one finds out that Hitler became Hitler because he became frustrated with Jewish people. So in order to prevent a new Hitler from ever rising to power, it becomes important to let the jews live amongst themselves on said remote island away from those who might become Hitler. Well, there is another option, White genocide, but it drastically increases the chance of another Hitler coming into existence until the process is completed.

So there you go, an option that will bring peace to the Middle East without exterminating anyone. The only thing left to do is find the uninhabited island or island chain far enough from inhabited islands so the chosen don't accidentally provoke them into becoming the next Hitler.

Is it acceptable to the Jewish people? Probably not. Without cattle people (goyim) to force usury on and to generally undermine, they'll only have each other to turn on. Take for example the high cost of rent/food/daycare in the non-settlement areas of Israel. The young Israelis rioted a while back over that.

Comment Re:Not necessarily (Score -1, Flamebait) 397

I'm half Slavic. Jewish slave traders "traded" my ancestors until my ancestors said no more. My lineage doesn't have any slave owners or traders in it.

In the 1940s, the Jewish-run USSR killed six million Ukrainians by taking crucial supplies from them during a drought. This event is called the Holodomor if you want to google it. This isn't even the worst atrocity they have committed.

I guess I need to get 96% control of the media if I want to be heard. "God's Chosen People" aren't innocent.

If I'm going to get called out on shit my ancestors didn't do then I'm certainly going to call out others on what their ancestors did and continue to do.

White slavery is a problem in Israel today. Not 150 years ago, several generations behind us, but right now.

Israel has a military occupation of Palestinian lands. They have illegal settlements (as defined by the United Nations) in Palestinian lands filled with what they like to call Settlers but are more realistically described as squatters.

Gaza Strip has a naval blockade, preventing those who live there from building a port and trading with the rest of the world on their own terms. Instead they have to go through Israel. Tariffs and fees gathered by use of the Israeli ports are often withheld because the Palestinians do something to piss off Israel like apply to the United Nations for membership.

Palestinians live their lives under uncertainty. Will this fresh out of bootcamp Israeli soldier steal their papers at a checkpoint? Will they take a Palestinian kid and handcuff him to the front of Israeli military vehicles to use as a human shield? Will they have to wait a day at a checkpoint under a Jew-only highway because one Jewish car decided to go over it? By the way these highways are illegally built on Palestinian lands and link to the illegal settlements in Palestinian lands. Will their houses be bulldozed because they didn't get an impossible to get building permit from the Israeli authorities?

Why does every political election at the Federal level seem to be a fellatio contest with AIPAC? "I support Israel the most!" "No I do, and I am willing to give Israel access to our military technology even after they sold it to the Russians and Chinese!"

Yes, our beloved ally Israel has sold our technology to our rivals. With friends like Israel, who needs enemies?

Now go downvote this to -1 while the reply saying "omfg you are wrong, here's a wikipedia link" gets voted up to 5: insightful.

Comment Re:Not necessarily (Score -1, Troll) 397

I hate to burst your "white man is the evil" bubble, but I'm pretty sure the South seceded from the union not over some slaves that Jewish slave traders brought over which a minority of the population owned, but over crippling tariffs on British goods. The South mainly got the stuff it couldn't make on its own from England.

Comment Re:I wanted to post this (Score 3, Interesting) 359

It is called hemp. You can make all of the plastic, paper, and cloth parts for the car out of it. The only problem is that the DEA currently prevents any industrial farming with it since it is also a CLASS I drug which means "It has no medical benefits" which most people disagree with.

Until we get our DEA problem under control, we'll need to import it from Canada which has police agents who are smart enough to tell the difference between an illicit drug growing operation and an industrial hemp field.

Comment Re:I for one (Score 1) 228

Honestly I have to wonder if Hitler would have been against file sharing if they had the technology at the time. Assuming file sharing is as bad for the media industry as the media industry thinks it is, and that a certain race dominates almost all aspects of it, wouldn't Hitler rejoice file sharing? The only reason I can think of that he would want to ban file sharing is because of the multicultural and degenerate propaganda contained in the content.

Comment Re:Did they release the source code and data? (Score 1) 218

It is because sensible building methods tend to have overall cheaper costs over the lifetime of the structure and the houses don't rot away in fifty years. This means less of our income going to bankers since there will actually be something there for the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to inherit and the bankers don't like that.

My current favorite is hyperadobe, which is earthbag construction using raschel mesh bags or tubing.

Comment Re:Oh, stop acting surprised, Iran (Score 0) 289

Greetings sir, I just want to call you out on the use of Anti-Semitism. It basically means "against Semitic languages", which is more than just Hebrew. It isn't even the #1 Semitic language. Arabic has more speakers. It just sounds silly.

Please call it Anti-Hebrew, Anti-Jewish or Anti-Israel sentiments.

As for the nuclear research, while there isn't really such a thing as peak oil, there is such a thing as peak "oil we can get out of the ground without using more energy than we can get from the oil."

Eventually Iran will run out of their sweet crude. They'll need nuclear power to export energy over HVDC lines or to synthesize hydrocarbon fuel.

"Oh they can use solar!" Unfortunately they are surrounded by US military bases which can unleash drone attacks against their infrastructure.

As for nuking Jerusalem, you do realize that Iran is downwind from that area, right? They would be irradiated by the fallout of any nukes going off in Israel. In addition to this, any of the other countries in the path of this fallout will immediately attack Iran in retribution with a ton of support from the US military bases that are in the area.

Iran isn't some warmongering nation hellbent on wiping the Jewish people. Iran has only fought wars of defense.

It is hilarious to hear politicians go on about the Iranian threat because Iran doesn't have enough military force projection to attack most of their neighbors, let alone the world's most expensive military. It probably isn't so funny to hear that while in Iran, which is why they are going for Uranium enrichment instead of just using Thorium for nuclear power. Nations don't invade nuclear armed nations.

Comment Re:Ending congestion? (Score 2) 648

Computer-controlled cars can safely drive bumper to bumper where as humans typically require two to three seconds of following distance to drive.

Computer-controlled cars won't brake randomly and thus cause traffic jams. They won't play Looky Lou to every damned automobile accident or road construction site.

Now I enjoy driving. I enjoy the feeling of counter steering before I go through a corner without braking at speeds that would make most car drivers cringe. But I'll gladly give that up or go to a private course if it means screwing over the police.

No more drunk driving stop points. No more speed traps. No more "I think you went through a red light so here's your ticket, either pay it or come to court on a work day and still lose out no matter what from lost income." Cops will finally be forced to focus on burglary, theft, assault, murder, and rape.

Hah, who am I kidding, they'll most likely go after non-violent marijuana smokers.

Comment Re:Can we please... (Score 4, Interesting) 138

Actually sir, I have two genetic disorders, Hemophilia and Osteochondroma.

The Hemophilia basically means my blood clotting proteins are ineffective and thus it takes me longer to stop bleeding and then to heal.

The Osteochrondoma causes a variety of non-cancerous bone tumors to grow near joints during the bone growth phase. They can be in many different shapes and sizes.

The groping/padding down can cause a bone tumor to break, which can cause me to bleed to death if it manages to puncture an artery. Chances are I'll be dead before they get me to a hospital.

The radiation from the scanners can cause my bone tumors to become cancerous. If this happens, I'm pretty much sentenced to a long and painful death.

Comment I have an idea! (Score 0) 998

I propose we switch from building bombs and generally shitting all over countries that don't have the capability of attacking us and instead build lots of induction coils to embed into our highways.

Then we can line our highways with liquid fluoride thorium reactors and drive to work in electric cars that have 20 mile range for traveling on roads that haven't been upgraded yet.

Add in self-driving cars and it'll become even more efficient and safe.

Unfortunately this won't happen. It is too socialist like national highways, municipal water, police, and public schooling. It involves creating rather than destroying.

Comment Re:It's not a question of innocence (Score 4, Insightful) 1046

Any healthy human can kill with their bare hands. You don't need martial art training. You just need enough anger to dehumanize your target and start beating the shit out of him.

Unfortunately with every blow, you dehumanize yourself in the eyes of your victim, making it that much more likely that they'll respond to your force.

Our legal system is set up that police can only hold you for 48 hours before they either release you or charge you with a crime. The case has to be solid, as in will 12 people who were unable to get out of jury duty, believe in the prosecutors' version of events or else the defendant will go free. If the defendant gets a not-guilty verdict, he is protected by double jeopardy, which prevents the government from taking him back to court on the same charges.

So by demanding "Justice for Trayvon now, only skittles and iced tea", they are preventing investigators from making a solid case against Zimmerman. They are tainting the jury pool so much that they'll have to ship Amish people from Pennsylvania and Ohio to serve on the jury.

Will that give Trayvon any justice? Is this really about justice at all? Zimmerman is going to be looking over his shoulders for the rest of his life whether he gets charged or not. He has been convicted in the court of liberal public opinion.

Comment Re:Gasified Pellet? (Score 3, Informative) 52

Step 1: burn combustible materials like dried wood, dried yard clippings, and/or dried animal droppings to produce carbon monoxide gas.
Step 2: direct carbon monoxide gas into combustion engine where it acts like any other combustible gas with the right fuel/air/compression mixture.
Step 3: drive around with trollface on because you aren't paying gas taxes while getting rid of a bunch of yard clippings you would have let decompose in your backyard or bagged up for the trash man.

It is carbon neutral unless you are using oil-based fertilizers all over your lawn/trees. Otherwise decomposing would have released any trapped carbon anyway.

Comment Re:He deserves it (Score 1) 907

Was Hitler a secret atheist? Find out on our exciting History Channel Special, Hitler's Religion. We'll go into extreme detail about his religious beliefs and how screwed you might be just because you share some of those beliefs.

Seriously guys, every major religion has some sort of horrible mass murderer/dictator attached to it. I think it is about time we accept that and move on to more important questions like why are people in some countries in prison for questioning the Holocaust? In my personal opinion, the truth doesn't need a law to protect it, only lies and falsehoods do.

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