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Comment Re:Sci Fi Really Ages Quickly (Score 1) 186

I agree. The writing was terrible... total hack job. There was a scene in one episode (second season?) where the two space jockeys from Galactica were showing off their math skills on a computer to a journalist on Earth. It was totally ripped off of Day the Earth Stood Still. And that robot dog and the kid --- agh!! And the cylons with the red LED scanner, just like that Knight Rider car thing (and Gort... hmmm).

Not to mention Automan and Manimal :(

Comment Re:A cost equation (Score 5, Insightful) 203

No, I'm far from Libertarian now, I'm a progressive crank who thinks robots will eventually be the answer to everything. When I see a headline that says "beyond a robot's reach," I think, "Oh, really?"
You could make a robot competent for the job, but it would be much more expensive than a person. That won't always be true however. That's my point.

Submission + - White House supports " Net Neutrality" in statement issued today. (

CapeDoryBob writes: The White House came out for net neutrality today, and is making recommendations to the FCC. The White House is opposing: throttling, blocking, and charges for preferential access and proposes regulation of internet service providers "like phone companies".

Republicans and lobbyists are salivating at the potential for distorted ads and fees, respectively. .

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