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User Journal

Journal Journal: Traffic Ticket

90 in a 70.
In california.

I can wipe it off with traffic school, but I'd like to get rid of it entirely in case I find yet another downhill slope with a cruiser waiting in the mist within the next 18 months.
I've heard extend it, preferably on a day the officer has off. I dont know how to find that out though. Sounds like the proccess is, if you show up to court, you can choose to pay it or protest it. And that they may reduce your fine without protesting it? Everyon

User Journal

Journal Journal: I got a joke

Heard this one from a relative during easter.

A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day the dachshund started chasing butterflies and before long the dachshund discovered that he was lost. While wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the obvious intention of having lunch. The dachshund thinks,

"Okay, I'm in deep trouble now!"


Journal Journal: lyrics

Ever have a favorite song? A song that you just sat down and could listen to over and over forever? A song that makes you think about it even when its not playing at all.

Then you found out you booched some of the lyrics and have been getting the wrong message this whole time?

Our lady peace - 4Am

in my mind I sing:
If I don't make it know that
I've loved you all along.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm pregnant!

It was funny when they did it on the radio. I guess it really is one of those pranks only women could pull off.


Journal Journal: call for help

So today is pc reformat day, I've been neglecting my desktop at home for a while now, been installing stuff without regard. When I looked to see what I should actually save I only found that my pictures and music were worth the space. Everything else is just junk. Amazing how unproductive I have been on this machine this past year.

Real Time Strategy (Games)

Journal Journal: the cost of war? 1

I'm curious as to what is the cost of war. It sounds really expensive, people say its really expensive. Why does it cost soo much? The fuel? The bombs? The paychecks for the reserve? Are they just counting the full cost of the operation without regard for what is normal overhead? I mean we got planes, they need to be ridden like a horse or they go sour, ships dont store well in the fridge. We already have a glutten of jarheads taking paychecks to run them with or without an "ongoing liber

User Journal

Journal Journal: dreams... 1

I think thats enough of that.
Lets hope google doesn't cache it for too long if they ever did.

More and more family members are getting online... were not so anonymous anymore kids.

User Journal

Journal Journal: new levels of pissed off I havn't felt before.

yesterday sucked.
worked 13 hours, got a speeding ticket for going 90 and I swear I never pushed 85, and even that was for 1/2 mile while going downhill. It was a 70 zone so hopefully I can just traffic school it off without any more crap. But I get home late, things are going well till I spill the beans about the ticket. Gah that made both our evenings, much more interesting, good thing I got home so late.

User Journal

Journal Journal: FUCK!

I feel trolled....


Takes an illiterate freak to spot one I guess.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My philosiphy

As I create my own philosiphy phrases I will plan to post them here. So here is my first one:

"No matter how much you tell a paratrooper he only has 2 strings, he will try like hell to find the third one when his first 2 fail."

User Journal

Journal Journal: did you hear a little ringy dingy?


I'm calling from the foundation of foster children for underprivleged people that you should feel sorry for especially in the holiday season like this blah blah blah blah.

At this time we would like to blah blah blah blah"
I was in the middle of a movie so I couldn't think of anything smart alec to spin on her, I really just wanted to hang up the phone.

User Journal

Journal Journal: words cannot describe my hate for the DMV. 2

Words cannot describe my hate for the DMV. But I can explain why I hate them so.
My wife and I had the unfortionate task of going to the DMV, Ammy (my wife) told me about this new number system at the local DMV center. So we went down early on a saturday morning, arriving at 7:00. You start with one line, tell the person what you want to do they make sure you have all your paper work ready and assign you a number. Then you wait the neccessary hours for your number to be called. They called

User Journal

Journal Journal: monster hangover

I got in to work early today with 4 cans of monster no one else was there so I kept the lights off, played my music and went to work. 2 hours later I was already on my third can when the others started showing up. Adjusting to the lighting wasn't a problem but once I cracked open the fourth can I suddenly started having the symptoms of a hangover. It was undeniable, my stomach felt tight and heavy, my head spun very slowly and I my head hurt like a

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why i'm not on the Do not call list.

An automated phone call came in just a few minutes ago for a hotel reservation. Instead of pressing 8 to be taken off the list I asked for 9 to speak to a representative. A woman answered
"hotel reservations, " I pause,
"hotel reservations, " still no response from me.
"say it again" I pleaded.
"say what again?" she asked.
"that saying, third times a charm, say it again" short pause.
"sir are you interested in a vacation?"
"YEAH!" I shout excitedly.
"where would you li

User Journal

Journal Journal: MONSTER!

They finally updated their website, thought all 2 of your would want to know!

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