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Comment Re:Modern day advice... (Score 1) 105

Everything is recorded.

Which means nothing if what they record is encrypted.

Not true. Remember the news a while ago about the new gigantic NSA facility in Utah?

Yeah. They're storing everything you say and do online. Been doing it for years. They're already able to crack most encryption. And twenty years from now, they'll be able to crack any encryption you used today.

There is literally no place to hide. If you truly want privacy, do NOT use the Internet. Don't use any cellular phones, either.

Comment Re:They can reveal usage date (Score 2) 684

There is a proof of concept showing that the use of smart meters could reveal television usage


This is an outrage! I mean, it's not as if anyone driving by your house in a properly-equipped van can already know what you're watching by picking up the frequencies emitted by your TV receiver's local oscillator or anything...

Oh, wait a minute...

Comment Who is John Galt? (Score 1) 124

Ah, thank you, Comrade, for explaining it to me. Now I love Big Brother. An extra ration of beets and vodka for you, for "educating" me!

And now, I must leave to attend the Occupy Wyatt Oil protest. That idiot sister of our glorious friend, James Taggart, is getting ready to kill half the population of Denver by running a train down that damned dangerous rail line of hers...

Who is John Galt?

Comment Re:Great. Where are my cheap solar panels? (Score 1) 124

Again, none of the above is a subsidy. Handing half a billion dollars to a company to make solar panels, or ethanol, or windmills, or anything else that cannot possibly pay for itself, is a subsidy. Taking less of someone's money at the point of a gun (i.e., taxation) is not a subsidy.

Comment Re:Time to get off the oil addiction (Score 1) 124

Then if you raise costs at night vs the day, basic market economics will force even more usage during the day.

If you arbitrarily raise costs at night vs. the day (or in any other way, for that matter), you're not dealing with basic market economics. You're interfering with basic market economics.

Comment Re:Great. Where are my cheap solar panels? (Score 1) 124

None of which are subsidies.

Biofuels are heavily subsidized. Solar is heavily subsidized. Wind power is heavily subsidized.

The only subsidies the oil companies are getting are from the portion of their investments in the above (not so) "green" technologies.

I know of no actual subsidies for the oil / gas industry. And you obviously don't either.

Thanks for playing.

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