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Comment Re:Not a bad little hack (Score 2, Insightful) 129

The worth of his time is only relevant if he was trying to sell these for profit.

See, people have these things called hobbies that keep them entertained.

I, for instance, enjoy working on my car. Sometimes it takes me 3 or 4 times longer than it would take a shop. Is it worth my time? Absolutely--it's fun.

Comment Re:Realistic (Score 1) 356

Unless it is realistic with a real chance of death should an air leak occur, or a system fails, such as Apollo 13, it will be almost meaningless. Of course, if the participants think there is a chance of death, even if a rescue is allowed that they don't know about, it might be OK and not taint the results.

Not only that, but they also know that they are not really going to mars. I would think the psychological effects would be much harder to endure if you knew that you were just stuck in a bunker on earth and could feasibly go back to your normal life at any point.

Comment Re:Is day trading a good thing? (Score 1) 260

I'm likely quite ignorant on this subject-- but *how* can a day trader (or even group of them) kill a company?

They can't. Even if a large group of daytraders attempted to drive a stock price down, they aren't actually affecting the underlying value of the company. It would quickly become apparent that the stock price was not accurately priced and buyers would come in.

Comment Re:how about that (Score 5, Informative) 204

Autodesk have been thought to do this for years already on the warez scene.

Autodesk are thought to have released their own cracks...

I don't know the validity of your statement, but I do know that they are quick to send their lawyers out if they think you are profiting with a pirated copy of their software.

I set up a website about 7 years ago when I was working for myself as a mechanical design engineer. The website showed some examples of my work created in AutoCAD, among other software packages. A few months after it went live I received a very threatening certified letter from a group of lawyers representing AutoCAD saying that they had no record of my company purchasing a license for AutoCAD. At that time I did not own a legitimate copy of AutoCAD. I wrote a letter back stating that the examples were created using a legitimate copy, that I was not currently using AutoCAD and that I would remove any references to it on my website if they wished. They then said that was cool and never pursued it again.

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