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Comment Re:My solution for fixing Windows 8 (Score 1) 578

I run Linux on 3 desktops (2 home, 1 work), and I don't have any hardware problems. I also have Linux installed on my work laptop (Dell something or other) and everything works perfectly. I haven't had to give anything up or even work hard at getting any hardware functional. A few years ago, I would have somewhat agreed with your assessment, but not today.

Comment Re:Playing the race card again (Score 1) 1078

Did you read any of the other articles in the summary? How about this:

According to the Dignity in Schools campaign, "students of color... are more likely to be suspended and expelled than their peers for the same behavior" and "African American students [are] 3.5 times as likely to be expelled" as whites.

It seems that there IS a racial discrepancy. Should we just ignore it and hope it goes away?

Comment Re:Cognitive science (Score 2) 231

The second part is entirely untrue. If you grew up in the 70's and 80's you would remember that a car owner would feel lucky to get 100,000 miles out of a car. Now, if you don't get at least that many miles, you bought a lemon. Better manufacturing techniques are part of it, of course, but no small part of the increased reliability is computer controlled combustion.

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