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Comment The End Is Near for Console Gaming (Score 1) 393

That is what the title should be.
I do not play any games on consoles anymore. We have 2 XBox 360s but I wont play them. We also have had Wii's, N64s (a fav of mine) as well as other consoles.
I play all of my games on my PC. It has a better selection of games. The games are easier to deal with. Plus I refuse to use controllers when I have a mouse and keyboard that work so much better.
Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot here. They are trying to get the XBox series to be their gateway into your living-room. Imagine the advantage they would have had if the XBox 720 (or whatever its going to be called) was the only console that did not have these stupid anti-consumer restrictions built into it.
Even the Ouya game system is dropping the ball. Sure it doesn't have all of the restriction the big boys have but I have to wonder, since it is powered by Android, why not include the Google store and all of its apps. If it had that I would buy it in a heartbeat. Then all I would need is a way to use Android apps on my Windows desktop.

Comment Re:Or the reverse (Score 1) 899

What is or is not of public interest changes depending on who you ask.
America used to be a country where people minded their own damn business.
Now everyone has some bullshit excuse to get into your business.

(whine) I have a right to make you stop smoking it effect my air. (Unlike the big SUV you are driving)
(Whine) It affects my insurance rates. (That is a problem you need to take up with your insurance companies and if they don't listen talk to your lawmakers and pass laws making the insurance companies change how they do business)

Your rights stop at your nose. You do not have the right to know someone else' personal business.
This is the same bullshit excuse people use for anytime they want to stick their nose into someone else' business.
The excuse that if they have a gun you need to know in case the decide to shoot you is bullshit.
If you are that worried (paranoid) about it, buy a gun yourself or move away from a place you think may be unsafe.

Comment Re:All in good time (Score 1) 337

In Tenn there is still a law on the books stating you must discharge a firearm into the air when you approach an intersection to warn those on horseback that you are there. I would love to see how well the Cops in the Hood would deal with that one.
Did I mention that law is STILL ON THE BOOKS AND IN EFFECT?

Comment Re:Conditioned Much? (Score 0) 83

TROLL. And no I didn't say that because I am butt-hurt (I'm not because I really could not care less for the opinion of a self centered paranoid person like yourself) I said it because it is true.
If you are so concerned about drones being used write your Congressman. And take off the tinfoil hat for a few. Its stopping the blood flow to what is left of your brain.

Comment Re:These terms should be considered unconscionable (Score 1) 147

Except the Company gets to decide who does the arbitration. And since the Company deals with them far more often than any individual does the company has the advantage.
It's like pro wrestling. You could be the better wrestler but if I get to pick the ref I will win.

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