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Comment Re:No, Clearly a Horrible Anti-Fair Use Ruling (Score 1) 407

This seems to be on weak constitutional grounds, as DRM + DCMA + Copyright = unlimited protection for creators, as DRM'd content would be unretrivable at any (c) expiration. A key component of Copyright, it would seem to me, should include a path to public domain.

"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."

Comment WTF? (Score 1) 417

How is adblock any worse than blocking at the IP level in the hosts file? Unless content providers host the ads and pay for the bandwidth themselves? Personally, most ads, don't bother me, except those that are animated. Those go straight to the bin.

Comment Re: Apple's pulling a Sony (Score 1) 541

"I'm relatively confident that the nyfed balance sheet will swell to ten trillion sooner than we think" I would think that Apple should have just said "breach of contract" and started taking bids for a replacement, even as a bluff. Apple sells the platform, and it is worth less, if its usability is restricted by a third party. If the iPhone ever loses it's status as the premium platform, they, the developers working on apps and AT&T contract holders all lose some portion of their investment.

Comment Re:Is this basic /. bush-bashing, or is it legit? (Score 1) 791

Oh, yeah and after the DOJ getting a CONVICTION in US V MSFT, the Bush DoJ decided to settle. On the table was breaking MSFT into Apps, OS and Hardware. If that had happened, we might have a version of Office for Linux now. IE might be better that the free alternatives. Vista might not have stunk. The X-Box might have been a leader in one of it's generations. And a bazillion dollars of venture capital might have flooded into start-ups as they would no longer need to fear losing their investment to embrace and extend, sparking off a new wave of products and applications. But no.

Comment Re:Is this basic /. bush-bashing, or is it legit? (Score 1) 791

"Such attacks only diminish true criticism when it's really called for."

President Bush's administration was wholly anti-science. From creationism to denying that global warming even exists. He also gutted the justice department and SEC, removing the last lingering regulation, keeping the investment banks in check. Thus, leading us into the greatest economic disaster since the great depression. Not to mention a continous string of putting incompetent and unqualified people in charge very important things like FEMA, SEC, Justice, NASA, HHS, and the Defense Department. Then there is the damage he did to international and trade relations.

I think the worst acting president in my living memory, and that starts with Nixon, deserves any bashing he gets, particularly when the subject is science heavy.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 12

"how is this a new OS?"

Well... Unlike most Linux distros, Google has a little bit o' money, and as such, might be able to afford some litigation in the event Microsoft tries to "cut off the air supply" of any valid OS at the OEM. Plus, this OS seems to be netbook specific, the fastest growing segment, globally, where MSFT does not seem to have a rational, long term product planned at a competitive price. Plus, GOOG might have the resources to support and market an alternate OS to the IT departments the world over. Also, assuming some level of future success, developers, I'm sure would be loath to have to support multiple OSs for their apps and might start developing to some open standards instead, making the flavor of OS and MSFT, less relevant.

Comment Re:Largely irrelevant to RIAA litigation (Score 1) 436

"And just because privacy can be used an excuse to not be properly convicted, a person is not absolved of any wrongdoing."

Is that not the basis behind Roe v. Wade? That any evidence needed to prove innocence or guilt, in an abortion case is both privileged and private information between a woman and her doctor, and as such, is outside the scope of the law and unenforceable?

Granted there are much greater moral and ethical elements involved there, when compared to the latest Brittany Spears release, but that info is still both personal and private.

Submission + - Google OS Announced 12

shystershep writes: "Rumors have been floating around for years that Google was planning an OS to compete with Window. As of Tuesday night, it is official: "So today, we're announcing a new project that's a natural extension of Google Chrome — the Google Chrome Operating System. It's our attempt to re-think what operating systems should be. Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010." It is separate from the Android mobile OS, will run on both x86 and ARM processors, and is aimed primarily at web use. Other than that, details are scarce."

Submission + - WSJ: Microsoft Says IBM is Anticompetitive

BBCWatcher writes: Microsoft has long claimed that the mainframe is dead, slain by the company's Windows monopoly. Yet, apparently without any mirror nearby, Microsoft is now complaining through the Microsoft-funded Computer & Communications Industry Association that not only are mainframes not dead, but IBM is so anticompetitive that governments should intervene in the hyper-competitive server market. The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft is worried that the trend toward cloud computing is introducing competition to the Windows franchise, favoring better positioned companies including IBM and Cisco. HP now talks about almost nothing but the IBM mainframe, with no Tukwila CPUs to sell until 2010. The global recession is encouraging more mainframe adoption as businesses slash IT costs, dominated by labor costs, and improve business execution. In 2008, IBM mainframe revenues rose 12.5% even whilst mainframe prices fell. (IBM shipped 25% more mainframe capacity than in 2007. Other server sales reports are not so good.) IBM mainframes can run multiple operating systems concurrently including Linux and, more recently, OpenSolaris.

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