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Journal Journal: What jerks!

I *like* the April 1st tradition around here. The only thing that spoils it is the people who insist on bitching in every frelling story about how unfunny it is. *sigh* You think I'd be accustomed to the jackass faction on /. by now.

Thanks Taco, I've been looking forward to /. April Fools all week!

Journal Journal: Mario Needs You! 2

# Please, my friends, the people of Slashdot
# need to know about the glory of Super Mario
# and warp zones. Can no one whip up a version
# that will pass muster with the Lameness Filter?
# Mario himself will schlob your knob if you do!

Journal Journal: Ask Dr. Fuck-Clippy! 1

Dear Dr. Fuck,

Clippy, the charming personal Microsoft Office assistant, told me I should kill Steve Jobs and then eat both my own legs. But all I want to do is type a letter. Should I follow its instructions?

Generic Cubicle Slave
Akron, OH

Dear Generic Cubicle Slave,


Journal Journal: Ask Dr. Fuck: week of January 31, 2003 1

Dear readers,

Thank you for your overwhelmingly positive response. This first question was so good, that Dr. Fuck and the other Dr. Fuck had a miscommunication, and they both answered it!

Nevertheless, both questions are very relevant to today's teens, so they are both printed in their entirety.

-Dr. Fuck

Dear Sir:


Journal Journal: The "Dear Dr. Fuck" Series 5

Hello friends. YourMissionForToday here. My buddy peepoh and I have decided to start a new trolling series, entitled 'Ask Dr. Fuck.' It will appear in this journal (and of course across many Slashdot threads) every week. Here is the first, assembled approximately two weeks ago:

Dear Dr. Fuck,

Comment At least some companies are on our side (Score 2, Insightful) 139

Though their motivations may not be so philanthropic, at least consumer electronics corporations are on the side of the people like you and I. After all, they know that consumers will not purchase crippled, copy-protected products. Hopefully, this will result in a somewhat more balanced result when laws are passed. Call me cynical, but I feel that the Hollywood lobby's advantage is quite large and the laws will likely get passed.

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Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.
