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Comment Re:Terrible thermal and noise (Score 1) 157

Why do you care about thermals? I care about framerate, visual quality, and noise.

The 290 running with a 40% fan is LOADS faster than the 780 -- especially at high resolution.

Who cares if it could go faster, take it for what it is right now and it's a better card.

And hell -- if you REALLY care, hook up water cooling to this and watch it really scream!

Comment Re:Deferred shading/lighting + sparse voxel DAGs (Score 1, Insightful) 157

I'll be excited about this "mantle" thing when I actually see stuff that benefits from it instead of a bunch of theoretical mumbo jumbo.

Graphics API overhead this.. 10x more draw calls that..

Show me a real game and show me how it's actually better than the alternatives that actually exist at that same time. "Look this thing that doesn't really exist (or isn't in use) is faster than stuff that's actually here now and being used". Everyone can win at that game.

Real numbers on real games. Until then, you can keep your Mantle to yourself.

Comment Re:Faster than the nVidia GTX TITAN for $400 less (Score 2) 157

What does that even mean? It's for sale and if you wanted that performance you had to pay $1000 for it. Now you don't.

People who want that performance are sure going to be interested in learning they can pay half as much.

The alternative is to say that nvidia has nothing with this performance, but then people are going to say "But the Titan does"... so what are you going to do?

Comment Re:Internet isn't free.. (Score 1) 301

They pay for the infrastructure required to route that traffic, even if what you say is true -- though I'd be interested in sources for that.

It's still reasonable for them to say you didn't pay for 100% 24/7 utilization.

They've already said that if you stay under their radar you're going to be fine anyhow.

Comment Internet isn't free.. (Score 1) 301

ISPs pay by the bandwidth used. The price you pay for your home internet doesn't cover the cost to your ISP if you used the max bandwidth 24/7. If it did, it would be much more expensive.

By making rules like this, they are protecting mom and dad who don't use the internet much from having to subsidize joe hacker running a porn site out of his home.

Imagine if you paid for gas by the month. Would it be ridiculous if they said you weren't allowed to drive a commercial semi and fuel it there? No. You'd have to buy another plan and pay a bunch more.

This really isn't that much different.

Comment Re:Does this apply to all athletes? (Score 1) 207

that's what the unions are for. It's not going to be hard to make a game, but the athletes will be paid for their likeness.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't think that a famous person should have their likeness used for anything any commercial venture wants to use it for. What if they made a baby-killing simulator and used his likeness. Shouldn't he be able to stop that?

With regards to biographies, it seems like that should fall under news/reporting and be excepted.

Hrmm.. I don't know.

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