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Comment Re:Here's my take (Score 1) 465

For some reason even the largest amount of violence is less likely to cause controversy than a sex scene.

The reason is that depictions of violence are protected speech in the USA and depictions of sex aren't. If not, they would censor the violence just as thoroughly.

Comment Money (Score 1) 618

At several hundreds of dollars, those phones are more expensive then many desktop computers. At they are slower and have a worse screen and keyboard.

Of course, one could pay for it by installments, AKA the 5 year contract. But taking 5 years to pay for something that will be obsolete in a year is sub-optimal.

Comment It gets worse (Score 1) 351

Without DRM the games are that much more suspetible to being controled by a script. In online play, this would give an advantage to the better coders (or script kiddies).

Yes everyone could be using the cheat-scripts, but that would spoil the fun. This is a repeat of the steroids (sorry, Performance Enhancing Drugs) debate.

Comment Re:Quality has never been a concern of Rubyists. (Score 1) 206

Most of what you said could be applied to Perl and CPAN as well. Monkey Patching? Isn't that the heart of Moose? Duck typing? That's basically all of Perl OO. I have no opinion of ActiveRecord, but I'm sure there are sucktastic ORMs on the CPAN. I also no the vast majority of the CPAN are not close to "high quality" let alone "extremely".

And I say the above as someone who uses Perl professionaly since 1995. So you could say I have a pretty large pro-Perl bias.

What would be more interesting is stats on what kinds of modules the CPAN has vs RubyGems. 1500 variations on text templating? 10 competing HTTP servers? 10 different event loops?

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