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United States

Journal Journal: No wonder most Yanks still think Iraq did Sept 11... 28

...Cheney's still spreading the discredited rumor!

In making the case for war against Iraq, Vice President Cheney has continued to suggest that an Iraqi intelligence agent met with a Sept. 11, 2001, hijacker five months before the attacks, even as the story was falling apart under scrutiny by the FBI, CIA and the foreign government that first made the allegation.

Journal Journal: See a Slashdotting 2

Just got a link posted to a Homeworld fansite I run on - if you wanna see the Slashdotting in progress, check out the logs...

Holding up nicely, I'd say, but then again it's not on the front page...

United States

Journal Journal: Of September 11 and Mourning 1

My girlfriend (who is even more liberal than I) posted a bit of an anti-US poem that's been making the rounds on LiveJournal - thought some of you might like to read my responses. Feel free to comment if you agree, disagree, if I left anything out or was incorrect in anything! :-)

Just because people die elsewhere doesn't mean we can't mourn our own deaths here.

Journal Journal: Got Mod Points - Links, Please! 6

Got five points - gimme some worthwhile links to use 'em on! :-)

Update: All out now... found a couple posts, plus the ones in here. :-p Apparently it's possible to mod your own journal, teehee...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Widespread Power Outages and Fires At Power Plants?

Well, Jen just called me saying that power's out at Highland Hospital, so I checked the news - MSNBC's reporting power outages in NYC, New Jersey, Toronto, Detroit, etc.

The TV stations in Rochester seem to all be down, but my power here is still up for now.

What the hell...

MSNBC TV showed aerial pictures of fires in the Bronx and Brooklyn. CNN reported that a fire had been reported at the Consolidated Edison plant in New York.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Rebuttal of "Bowling for Columbine" Criticism

Noticed this rebuttal posted on Kuro5hin (rebuttal to this).

While I don't like Moore, it's nice to see a point-by-point analysis of the "Truth About Bowling" article that everyone's been quoting recently... lots of good points made.

One of the K5 commenters posts probably the best analysis of the situation, saying: "Mr Moore is a troll..."

Even trolls have some good points, though.

United States

Journal Journal: Pres. Clinton Calls Bush's Uranium Mistakes Understandable 4

Who'd have expected this?

...he suggested that Bush's mistake was par for the course and that it was time to move on now that Bush had acknowledged the error.

"You know, everybody makes mistakes when they are president," he said. "I mean, you can't make as many calls as you have to without messing up once in a while. The thing we ought to be focused on is what is the right thing to do now."

United States

Journal Journal: California Democrats get in trouble 4

Open microphone catches California Democrats talking about prolonging budget crisis

Unaware that a live microphone was broadcasting their words around the Capitol, Assembly Democrats meeting behind closed doors debated prolonging California's budget crisis for political gain.

Members of the coalition of liberal Democrats talked about slowing progress on the budget as a means of increasing pressure on Republicans.

Teehee... whoops!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Recent Journal Activity 2

So, I added a bunch of people to my friends list recently, and since then I've had a bunch of fun and interesting debates with you lot.

I'd just like to say thank you all for the discussions and interesting entries/posts. :-)

(and yes, I'm even talking to the rabid conservatives like Red Warrior ;-)

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