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Comment Re:Dropping the Xbox? (Score 4, Insightful) 300

So they get rid of their most successful consumer product.... the thing that puts the word "Microsoft" in people's houses? That makes sense--typical MBA driven, stupid, short sighted decision that would be so Microsoft. I'd love for Google to buy Xbox. They would do some pretty cool things with that. Microsoft would never sell to them. Samsung, maybe? They'd love to get a bigger piece of the living room, and they might do some cool things with it!

Comment Re:Who couldn't see this coming? (Score 5, Insightful) 300

And yet, they are still making gobs of money. In fact, they are more profitable than ever. Moves like this don't really help anything.. not even the bottom line, since the massive cuts crush morale and limit the ability of the company to innovate to keep ahead of the competition.

Comment One thing above all.... (Score 1) 381

A Dick Tracy speakerphone feature... massively important for those who charge their phone a lot and sadly missing from all but Samsung devices. An open API and ease of programmability is also nice. Pebble has really hit the moon on that one. Some of the apps people have come up with have been simply amazing. Unfortunately, It will be interesting to see how Android wear stacks up. It's a shame that only Pebble is going with the "minimalist" approach with an old fashioned, low power LCD screen. There's no need for high res on a watch, especially when it will be used outside in the sun a lot.

Comment Re:Palm IIIx (Score 1) 702

The original Palm devices were definitely tough as nails. My original Palm Pilot Pro was put through the ringer and anded up looking like my dog had chewed it, but it still worked like a charm. Unfortunately, I traded it in for $50 on a Palm Zire 31 color. That unit's digitizer failed within a couple of years. Very disappointing.

Comment Re:That's not the only thing that's gone... (Score 1) 270

Their whole .NET strategy seems to have been, "Well, Java's popular now, so I guess we better do bytecode, too," even though there was no compelling reason to do so. Non-Intel Windows machines were long gone, so there was no reason for Windows application portability. Now that they have a good reason to make applications hardware independent, they abandon the .NET thing that they pushed so hard on everyone. It's simply bizarre.

Comment Re:"They were strongly pushing portable .NET when (Score 2) 270

.NET was cross platform--at least cross hardware. Yes, it was Windows-only, but a .NET application could run on an ARM machine or any other hardware that might run windows, since .NET was hardware independent byte code. Yes, you were still stuck on some form of Windows OS to use it, but now that they are selling windows on both ARM and Intel, it would seem to behoove them to support a portable hardware application strategy, yet they have essentially abandoned it.

Comment Re:People sure do like to beat the cancer thing (Score 1) 270

By "even more liberal", you mean less free, since BSD allows anyone to essentially take code for their own personal use without giving anything back to the project (like Apple using the BSD kernel to make lots of money, but not allowing the BSD folk any access to the Apple code that interacted with it).

Comment Re:That's not the only thing that's gone... (Score 1) 270

Windows was cheap. For most people it appeared to be "free". A lot of their stuff seemed pricey at the time, but they were always cheaper than their competition. SQL Server cost less than Oracle. IIS cost less than Netscape Web Server. Windows Mobile cost less than Palm. Visual C cost less than Borland. Office cost less than Word Perfect. Mcrtosoft's pricing is what drove a lot of these guys out of business. Microsoft's products were cheaper quality-wise, too, which is why they have such a terrible reputation.

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