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Comment Re:Are they really that scared? (Score 2) 461

In Wisconsin, electric companies almost doubled fixed charge "transmission" rates to get more money from people who are shipping electricity back into the grid.

In other words, they were frightened enough to attack one of the main financial benefits of distributed solar.

Comment Re:Divisions (Score 2) 48

>> How is abortion still an issue?

It's used both on the right ("pro life") and on the left ("war on women") as a wedge issue.

>> Who are these people that lay awake at night worrying about whether someone will have an abortion?

Mostly "base" voters who are almost assuredly going to vote for either the right or left for other reasons, but who are cynically motivated to get off the couch by "pro life" or "war on women" advertisements full of BS. You can call people who buy into this stuff dumb, but it works (or neither side would do it). /karmawhoring>

Comment Setting aside that old Constitution (Score 4, Interesting) 446

America's modern left often argues that portions of the US Constitution can be safely ignored because it's old and was written by white dudes. Here's a (fairly calm) piece that explores that argument. (Also look up "constitution living document".)

"Is the Constitution Still Relevant?"

Unfortunately, this isn't just a fringe belief: in 2010 a USA Today poll showed that 1 in 4 people no longer though the Constitution was "relevant"

Comment A Russian, an American and an Italian all walk... (Score 1) 70

A Russian, an American and an Italian all walk into a space station.

As soon as the shuttle that dropped them off reenters the atmosphere they discover that a fire has started in the living quarters. They crawl into the module with the escape capsules but discover that there are only two of the one-man crafts available. The Russian immediately dives through a door shouting "for the motherland!" The brave American offers the last capsule to the Italian, but the Italian politely refuses. He says, "Nah, let's both take one - I only wish we could be here when the Ruskie gets out of the shitter."

Comment please watch the video (my summary sucks) (Score 1) 11

>> so please watch the video(s)

Um...the summary makes it sound like some guy's going to read you some Wikipedia pages.

Quick - can someone find an editor (maybe borrow one from TheRegister) that can make this sound at all interesting? To anyone? (e.g., "Rare Earth Expert Says (Shit You Would Not Believe)" or "Which 3 Rare Earths Will Be Exhausted in 10 Years" or "Is It True that Garbage Dump Mining Is a Good Way to Get Rare Earth" or...)

Comment Readying Mechanical Turk...FTW? (Score 1) 62

Let's see...for $50K...I could probably write up a quick mobile app ($1K) that feeds microphone input into a streaming acceptance service on a server ($3K), that chops it up into wav files for Mechanical Turk processing. Fund that long enough to pass the POC stage ($2K), ride some odds (25%) and cash the check before the tech collapses = $6K for possible $12.5K win = $6.5K possible profit? Er...still no.

Comment Does Lookout use lazy analysts? (Score 1) 54

>> "encrypts its communications with the C&C servers, making the traffic indistinguishable from legitimate SSL, SSH or VPN traffic"

Um...if you think simple transport encryption stops a determined analyst (who can hone in on source/destination IPs, initial traffic patterns, traffic volume, local signals or can use an attack proxy for some MITM action)...think again.

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