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Comment Re:Irresponsible (Score 0) 354

The suicide angle is showing to be pretty lame. It's clearly shown in statistics and epidemiological studies that if one owns a gun, you are more likely to die by gun if one suicides. Guns are far more lethal as suicide weapons than other means. Reducing the number of guns would therefore reduce the number of death attempts by suicide. The fact is that we already have too many guns in America, well over 300 million of them. And like it or not, no matter how you fudge the stats, 33-35,000 Americans DIE by gun, every year. We are FOURTH in the world in that statistic. What gets me is when gun lovers say "we should only care about gun homicides". Really? What about accidental gun deaths? What about the 10's of thousands maimed by guns?

Comment Re: Irresponsible (Score 1, Insightful) 354

You are making a hasty generalization about "my side". In recent polling, 90% of Americans (including NRA members) said they wanted better background checks for gun licensing. the NRA fought that, and won. the NRA leadership is a terrorist leadership, completely insensitive to anything but the filthy lucre they take form their gun manufacturing overlords, used to bribe corrupt legislators.

Comment Re:Irresponsible (Score 0) 354

Pushing a button on a cheap 3D printer (let's say in 10 years, when a printer costs $100) is fundamentally dangerous to the well-being of society. That's a lot different than following a design to cobble together a weapon. It used to be a "right" to shout "fire" in a theater, but that "right" was not permitted under the 1st Amendment. the 2nd doesn't provide for carte blanche creation of guns via 3D printers. Sorry.

Comment Re: Irresponsible (Score -1) 354

No, people who have a gun and use it to kill someone kill people. If the gun wasn't available, the killer would not have killed with a gun. The ready and absurdly easy availability of guns in America make it exceedingly easy for people to kill other people with guns. We need to stop that by restricting the number of available guns, and NOT increasing their availability by a bunch of basement-dwelling 3D gun makers.

Comment Re: Irresponsible (Score 1, Interesting) 354

No, I have a right to lobby my legislators to stop the irresponsible spread of killing weapons in America. Michael Bloomberg also has that right. Little-by-little, America is going to get better on this issue. Remember tobacco? Remember highly unsafe autos prior to Ralph Nader? Watch, and learn.

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