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Comment Re:More 3-D madness. (Score 1) 199

There's a number of non-serious illnesses that can cause 3D to either not work for you, or give you adverse effects. Eye problems such as astigmatism or lazy eye can prevent you from being able to see 3D properly, or can give you extra eye strain.

I can watch 3D on my new TV for several hours playing games and watching movies and I've have zero problems. It's not the technology, the tech works. It just doesn't work great for everyone, because of any number of medical issues.

Comment Re:More 3-D madness. (Score 1) 199

Because 3D is fucking awesome.

The few PS3 games available in 3D look fucking awesome. The two movies I have look fucking awesome.

We see everything in real life in 3D. We have two ears, so stereo was natural. We have two eyes, so 3D video is also natural. It's great!

The only people I see complaining about it are A) Complainiacs that will never be happy with anything or B) Too poor to ever afford it.

Comment Re:ps3 (Score 1) 199

No, it's not more complicated. You use the glasses that go with your TV, that's it. As long as your TV is connected via HDMI and the PS3 detects it as a 3D display, the PS3 3D stuff will work. I have a Samsung TV with Samsung glasses and the 3D PS3 games work just great.

Honestly, besides the issues of old HDMI 1.1/1.2 receivers not working with the 3D stuff (you need at least HDMI 1.3) it's really a very simple set up. If you have a 3D Capable TV, it's not more complicated than buying the wireless glasses to go with it.

Comment Re:ps3 (Score 1) 199

It's not really twice the bandwidth, as far as I can tell.

I have a new Samsung 63" Plasma display (the new plasmas these days are impressive as hell and have long life spans) and I have a 3D BluRay player and a PS3. When the device (PS3 or BluRay player) goes into "3d Mode" the TV automatically switches and starts emitting the signal for the glasses. If you look at the screen in 3D mode, you see a lot more dithering of the video signal, especially in low light scenes.

When you have the glasses on, you really can almost not see the dithering, because your brain combines the images, but when the glasses are off you can definitely tell that there's less data being sent to the display for each "eye's" screen.

I'll tell you though, the 3D stuff on the Plasma with the shudder glasses is really good. You rarely see any "bleed" (eye sees images/ghosting from other eye) and it's no worse than an IMAX. Of course, the screen isn't as big, so you don't get the full impact of a full IMAX 3D screen but the quality of the 3D is great.

The motorstorm 3D demo on the PS3 kicks SERIOUS ass.

I can't wait go be able to get more than 2 movies and three games :)

Comment Re:Why do I not trust their numbers? (Score 1) 272

Sure, sometimes people just want to complain.

But in cases like this, there's a good reason. 1GB a month isn't a lot, especially if you get a good signal.

If the carriers really did want to just even out their networks, instead of just get more money (which apparently most of the people around here don't believe to be true for some reason?) they wouldn't make the cap so low. If they said "It's now 10GB a month" or even 5 or 6GB, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Everyone with an iPhone could easily do 1GB without even meaning to do so. Stream that Qix video or do video chat and you're screwed. You'll find out real fast why the ISP's decided to put a 1GB cap.

And yea, Wireless Carriers aren't ISP's for some reason? They provide Internet access. They're ISP's.

Comment Re:My best fit for Wave; (Score 3, Informative) 180

Chrome has pretty fast JavaScript, but it's not very stable. There's a game called Lord of Ultima, which uses Javascript to display everything. It's pretty amazing, actually. When you run it in Chrome, it's nice and speedy. For about an hour. Then it starts to hang, pause, choke, and it's not even worth using.

Firefox isn't quite as smooth as Chrome in the game, but it stays at that speed for days of leaving the game open.

Just another reason I see no reason to use anything other than Firefox. It just works.

Comment Re:Matter of taste. (Score 1) 248

So, if I don't think a joke on xKCD is funny, it's because I don't have a sense of humor - NOT because the joke wasn't funny?

Often, the jokes are very over-played and done by the time an xKCD uses them. He often takes the lazy route by tugging on the old stereotypes - girlfriend is naggy, boyfriend is a dog, etc..

Some of them are real good - thoughtful. The bulk of them aren't. But it can't be because they actually aren't funny, it's because I lack a sense of humor, but only sometimes?

Sorry, but throwing in the occasional math joke doesn't make this a good web comic, in my opinion. You're free to have yours, of course!

Comment Re:Have you tried the Nexus One yet? (Score 1) 544

That seems harsh. I had an HTC Touch Pro for awhile and I thought it was really slick. It had one of the nicest screens I've ever seen on a phone, and they had a neat 3D interface for accessing photos, contacts, etc that sits on top of the Windows Mobile desktop.

I liked the phone, the interface. But it turned out that my company didn't have an unlimited data plan after all, so the bill for those two months ended up being several hundred dollars.. (whoops!)

Comment Ghost/BESR (Score 2, Informative) 349

The latest versions of Ghost are the same as Backup Exec System Recovery, except that BESR allows you to back up/clone servers.

BESR is really good software. I use it quite a bit; I back up all my home servers with it. I've used it to perform P2V's of servers when the normal Platespin/VMware Convertor doesn't work for whatever reason.

BESR/Ghost allows you to take a full snapshot of a disk or a full machine. It's very fast. Restoring is very easy; insert the bootable Vista-based CD, and restore from a local disk or network. You can load drivers from USB sticks or CD's, or make custom bootable discs with your own drivers.

You can take snapshots, and create incremental snapshots on top of those. The incrementals are super fast. You can mount any snapshot as a drive letter, if you want to.

It has a "restore-anywhere" feature, which will put Windows into a sort-of "OEM" mode, so when it boots up for the first time it will run the hardware detection routine. I've been able to move Windows to different hardware real easy this way. You can also use it to move from a Virtual machine to a physical one.

I can't really say enough good things about BESR. It just works, it's fast, reliable, and restorations are super easy.

You can download a trial that works for 90 days from Symantec's site.

Comment Re:from the article (Score 1) 301

I live in Rhode Island, and I assure you that we can keep things dry that need to be kept dry.

You can't exactly compare keeping an entire region "dry" to keeping a single fortified establishment dry. It's a bunk argument.

If it's imperative to keep something dry, you raise it, you build drains and pumps into the structure, and you don't put it in a flood plane.

They do have such things as ships with sensitive electronic devices, and submarines.. Those seem to be able to stay dry.

Do you actually think there's a company building these things without considering rain fall?

Comment Re:Ah, horseshit. (Score 1) 739

You're sitting on your own pile of crap, my friend.

If I copy your Adobe CS4 DVD, *you still have it.* I didn't *steal* anything from you, or Adobe. What I did was infringe their copyright.

This is a LOT different than theft. Theft denies you of what I steal from you. Copying your DVD obviously isn't theft. Now, there's a thought process that if I use this software without paying for it, I've stolen profits from the vendor, Adobe in this example. This argument is ambiguous at best. There's no guarantee that I would have paid for this software if I couldn't get it for free. In fact, I'd venture to say that MOST people that use unpaid software would never pay for said software.

Still not legal to use software you didn't pay for (if it's non-free software) but it's not theft.

So clean the crap off yourself and re-join reality.

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