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Comment Re:Call me new-fashioned (Score 2) 306

Understandable - but if you can't enjoy your career and it's just a way to get paid I'd suggest being very fucking charming. That's like an "old person" superpower if they can harness it. ;)

But honestly - I like to see passion in something, even if it's not entirely work related. When I interview I'm not looking to hang people. I cover a lot of ground. I don't ask technical questions related just to the position; I ask questions that find out where your strengths and interests are at. I find if you're interested in something, but weak, but have taken some effort to try figuring it out, tinkering, etc. then you'll likely excel better in that realm.

Example - we've got an internship program where I'm at and we don't only aim for new and upcoming folks but also people looking to change career fields. One guy came in after being in the Army and had no idea what he wanted to do. But during the internship he was devouring all the networking and Cisco stuff and soon knew more about it than I did and possibly anyone in the company - he pretty much lived and breathed that stuff once he was able to dig in. 5 months later he's got his CCNA and got on a plane to go across the country to help start up a project for us.

Comment Call me new-fashioned (Score 4, Informative) 306

But when I interview I look for a few things: technical merit, reliable, personality, enthusiasm.

It doesn't even cross my mind that an older candidate wouldn't be qualified. Often, I expect them to have a mountain of experience that could get absorbed into the company. What I've run into though is the older folks often don't have that "nerd enthusiasm", haven't kept their skills current, or are just stuffy with no sense of humor. Maybe it's a generational thing? But a young person with the same ailments wouldn't have a shot here either.


iPad Mini Costs $24 More To Make Than Kindle Fire HD 260

sweetpea86 writes "... but retails for $130 more. Teardowns of the Apple iPad Mini and the Amazon Kindle Fire HD have revealed that the two devices cost almost the same amount to manufacture, despite the retail prices being significantly different. Andrew Rassweiler, senior principal analyst of teardown services for IHS iSuppli, explains that Apple is sticking to the premium brand strategy it has always used for its media tablet and smartphone products, whereas Amazon is banking on content."

Researchers Crown Buddhist Monk the World's Happiest Man 348

concealment writes in with a story about a man who has been crowned the world's happiest. "Tibetan monk and molecular geneticist Matthieu Ricard is the happiest man in the world according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin. The 66-year-old's brain produces a level of gamma waves — those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory — never before reported in neuroscience. The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricard's brain produces a level of gamma waves — those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory — 'never reported before in the neuroscience literature,' Davidson said. The scans also showed excessive activity in his brain's left pre-frontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, giving him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity, researchers believe."

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