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Comment Re:This one got me... (Score 1) 48

Indeed, I need multiple Video cards, a feature he described as not functional at this time in GEM and 'hard' to implement. He also berates the socket/network interfaces to the server, which I use heavily. He seems to view judisious memory use in low regard.

But that said, there are is allot to be said for tidying up decades worth of code bloat, and revisiting the general graphics structure.

Comment Hardly pointless... (Score 1) 158

The 'edited' version could had pointed out that the air/ground force strike was all due to someone mistakenly calling it in. The WHOLE problem was with the spotter. The rest of what happened is exactly what you can expect when you call armed forces to act. Soooo.... who was the spotter? Why not the call for why he called in the strike? Who was this moron...

War is brutal; no sane man is eager to bring it forth. Equally insane is the expectation of restraint from parties in the conflict, no matter how hard they may try.

Comment RE: Anonymous Coward 5?!?! Bunch of idiots. (Score 0) 158

Insightful? Only if you have your head stuck up your own anatomy where photons cannot penetrate. Articles published will point out what you are seeing today in Arab unrest seeking political reform was brought about in part by Condoleezza Rice's speech in Cairo. And who is calling for stability in lew of democracy? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton! Of course you probably have been sucking from that portion of politics for a long time to garnish the opinion you just spewed out.

The only thing Assange sites have done is attack the very democracy's he claims to be aiding. That due to the fact that the portions of the world that are free are the only place such information can make it way out. In short, do to laziness and sloth, he is doing mankind a great disservice.

Provide some leaks we can use, like how to bring down truly oppressive governments in the world.

Comment 100mw Laser pointer for what, burning holes!?!!? (Score 1) 546

A 100mw "Laser Pointer" for what, burning holes in the heads of you audence who may have dosed off?
4mm to 8mm divergence at 3 miles, how much did you spend for the collimator?
How a device like this works its way into the public sector labeled at a "Laser Pointer" is beyond me.
I looked around and 100mw green lasers do seem easy to aquire, which is surprising as it was my understanding that publicly accessible "Laser Pointers" had a emission cap of 5mw which is plenty for "pointing".
There are a ton of regulations that have to be followed when putting on a laser show utilizing such power levels.

Comment Traitors (Score 1) 266

Some of the technology that GE seems so willing to part with came from US tax dollars under the defense budget. It is not theirs to give.

Japan and China are very different situations. China does not play the same game as anyone else. They are stealing from the Democracies of the world while forcing their population to be subservient to a Socialist/Communist government which holds them back. The Japanese moved from Imperialism to a Representative Democracy.

In short, GE should be held accountable to treason.

Comment Drop Lockheed-Martin (Score 1) 118

Ever pulled together the correlation between ALL external fuel tank issues and the contract being moved to Lockheed? Yes the foam as well. Somebody has to say it.

They where even granted a exception by the EPA on having to switch to a different foam, but they did it anyhow.

No conspiracy here, just a Bird Colonel that favors Lockheed.

Ubuntu Replaces F-Spot With Shotwell 361

climenole writes "Finally! The much discussed F-Spot vs. Shotwell battle is over. The new default image organizer app for Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 is going to be Shotwell. This is a much-needed change; F-Spot was simply not enough. Most of the times when I tried F-Spot, it just keeps crashing on me. Shotwell on the other hand feels a lot more solid and is better integrated with the GNOME desktop. Shotwell is also completely devoid of Mono."

Comment Re:Climate change is a security threat (Score 1) 417

Deniers? Research?

Using your analogies, I guess I am a agnostic. But I confess you look allot like one of those holy rollers you see on TV. They say some interesting things, grab you attention, but can be just annoying.

I am no researcher, but throw some of that money this way, and I feel fairly confident that I would be able to trump many of your arguments.

But here, have some data and math that you probably have seen before. Feel free to go ahead and correct the data and math. Figures posted 2003:

“To finish with the math, by calculating the product of the adjusted CO2 contribution to greenhouse gases (3.618%) and % of CO2 concentration from anthropogenic (man-made) sources (3.225%), we see that only (0.03618 X 0.03225) or
0.117% of the greenhouse effect is due to atmospheric CO2 from human activity. The other greenhouse gases are similarly calculated and are summarized below.

Anthropogenic (man-made) Contribution to the "Greenhouse
Effect," expressed as % of Total (water vapor INCLUDED)
Based on concentrations (ppb) adjusted for heat retention characteristics

%ofGreenhouseEffect %Natural %Man-made
Water vapor 95.000% 94.999% 0.001%
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 3.618% 3.502% 0.117%
Methane (CH4) 0.360% 0.294% 0.066%
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 0.950% 0.903% 0.047%
Misc.gases( CFC's, etc.)0.072% 0.025% 0.047%
Total 100.00% 99.72 0.28%

The Kyoto Protocol calls for mandatory carbon dioxide reductions of 30% from developed countries like the U.S. Reducing man-made CO2 emissions this much would have an undetectable effect on climate..."

"Such drastic measures, even if imposed equally on all countries around the world, would reduce total human greenhouse contributions from CO2 by about 0.035%."

"This is much less than the natural variability of Earth's climate system! “

Comment Re:Climate change is a security threat (Score 1) 417

Nice, my 7th grade education was many decades ago. I grew up in a defense park. We were all learning at the time. The space race had not even started yet. Thanks for the info on Mars, but you failed to mention any reasoning for the other planets warming such as Uranus, maybe Neptune’s warming.

You know, I will recant my attitude, somewhat. I really enjoy science as it is supposed to discover the truths found in around us.

The problem I have had of late is the disingenuous and outright lies made in the name of science.

Your statement of consensus of CO2 relating to Global Warming is such example. While CO2 may indeed be a contributing factor, you fail to mention that the factor may be as little as a fraction of a percent. It may be a whole bunch larger. There is no consensus on the impact. If you keep water vapor in the picture, CO2 is finally in the strong single digits of a percentage of a greenhouse gas present in our atmosphere.

Another example someone gave was watts per meter. The Earth showed warming of about 1 watt per square meter. When the author looked over the tundra, he imagined all the little light bulbs placed per square meter. As my wife switched on her 1500 watt hair dryer, I imagined the 1500 square meters lighting up from just the BTU’s displaced! When you stand next to a fire, do you feel warm because of the radiant energy, or the CO2 being created? Point being, the whole picture needs looked at to see if a problem can be solved, what to do to solve it, or even if a problem exists.

We all hate pollution and waste. I want energy efficient cars because I dislike purchasing oil from peoples that care for us even less than we do for them. This should not result in me coming up with all sorts of poor ideas that need to be pushed on people to get them to stop driving their cars. Rather, to keep looking for a real tangle solution to using less oil. Cap and trade is not a solution, it’s a money making parlor game.

In short, the IPCC and Al Gore were busted for pushing a money grubbing agenda. We all smelled it along time ago. Lets stick with tang able facts and truths so that we can advance a better way of life for everyone involved, without sacrificing what right we have already.

I assume you maybe a researcher in the climate field. If so you have the not so enviable task of becoming a credible information source after some serious damage has been done.


Comment Re:Climate change is a security threat (Score 1) 417

Wow, thanks for the heads up on that current scientific revision. For years I had been taught that Venus was blanketed in clouds of Sulphuric acid which also contributed to its greenhouse environment. Now half the WebPages state a nebulous collection of gasses with CO2 concentrations over 90%, others still state the sulphuric acid composition. Take down notices have probably been posted.

I am sure a CO2 answer is forthcoming on the current warming trend on Mars and other planets in the solar system

Truly amazing.

While I must yield to your knowledge at this point at sulphuric acid lowering the radiative equilibrium, the term “scientific” continues to be maligned in the climate (ahem) “discipline”.

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